Re: Proposal for Resolution of LC99.: Message Reference Component is Underspecified

Here is my revised proposal.

LC99 [1] : The Message Reference Component description doesn't define the
semantics of the message when the optional {message content model}
property is absent.

I propose to make the property REQUIRED and to set it to #other if the
element attribute is missing. This means that the message content is
defined by a non-XML extension type system.

We should add a token, #other, to the allowed values (in addition to
#any and #none). The meaning of #other is that the message content
model is defined by a non-XML extension type system.

The spec should be changed as follows:

1. Change 2.5.1 The Message Reference Component

Current text: {message content model} OPTIONAL

Proposed text: {message content model} REQUIRED

2. Change Table 2-6. Mapping between Message Reference Component
Properties and XML Representation , {message content model} Row

Current text: If the element attribute information item is present and its
value is a QName, then #element. Otherwise the actual value of the element
attribute information item, if any, otherwise empty.

Proposed text: If the element attribute information item is present and
its value is a QName, then #element. Otherwise the actual value of the
element attribute information item, if any, otherwise #other.


Received on Thursday, 21 April 2005 18:03:12 UTC