Clarification Text for Last Call Issue 59d - wsdlLocation

In fulfillment of my action item:
Issue LC59d: Clarify wsdlLocation
    ACTION: Tom to provide additional text to section 7, part 1,

The first paragraph of Section 7 currently reads:

As an XML vocabulary, WSDL documents, WSDL fragments or references to
WSDL components -via QNames- MAY appear within other XML documents. This
specification defines a global attribute, wsdlLocation , to help with
QName resolution 2.19 QName resolution.

I suggest the following text (addition only):

As an XML vocabulary, WSDL documents, WSDL fragments or references to
WSDL components -via QNames- MAY appear within other XML documents. This
specification defines a global attribute, wsdlLocation, to help with
QName resolution (see 2.19 QName resolution). This attribute allows an
element that contains such references to be annotated to indicate where
the WSDL for a namespace (or set of namespaces) can be found.  In
particular, this attribute is expected to be useful when using service
references in message exchanges.

Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2005 19:50:46 UTC