Re: Proposed resolution to LC 77a

* David Orchard <> [2005-04-07 07:29-0700]
> The point of namespaces is to disambiguate names.  That is, you can have 2 identical local names with different namespace names.  The purpose of serializing the prefix is to preserve that disambiguation.

But nothing prevents me from doing something like a first message:

  <foo xmlns:a=""

serialized as a:c=1&b:c=2

and then a second:

  <foo xmlns:b=""

serialized as b:c=1&a:c=2

IOW, the prefixes only make sense to the person who has the complete
instance data in his hand.

I have the feeling I'm still missing the use case.

Hugo Haas - W3C -

Received on Thursday, 7 April 2005 15:15:53 UTC