w3c-translators@w3.org from October to December 2003 by subject

"Auxiliary Benefits of Accessible Web Design" translation into Spanish completed

/Bos/DesignGuide/ italian translation

[Speech Recognition Grammar Specification Version 1.0] Starting translation into French

[traductoresSIDAR] [XForms for HTML Authors] Beginning translation into Spanish

[w3c-translators] <none>

[XForms 1.0] Beginning translation into French

[XForms for HTML Authors] Beginning translation into Spanish

[XML Events] French translation completed

A true internet business with NO UPFRONT EXPENSE!

An urgent plea for your assistance -- this is NOT spam!


ATAG 1.0 (Italian version)

BMNU News Realese: Akbar Tanjung dan Wiranto Tidak Layak Jadi Presiden


Chinese translation of XML 1.1 CR available on the net.

Civil Designer

Completed integrated translation of WCAG 1.0, Techniques and related documents

completed translation

Could you please translate this?

CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 - translated to braazilian portuguese

Curriculum to WCAG 1.0 in Portuguese

Curriculum WCAG 1.0 - Portuguese Version

DOM 2 Style Chinese Translation released

DOM 2 Views Chinese Translation released

Fwd: hindi translation of PNG

Galician translation of W3C in 7 points

German translation of "What is a good standard?"

German translation of 'PICS Rating Vocabularies in XML/RDF'

German translation of 'XPointer xmlns() Scheme'

German translation of PICS Rating Vocabularies in XML/RDF

German translation of WCAG 1.0 Conformance pages (was: Re: WCAG 1.0 Conformance)

German translations


Hindi Translation of a Document


I appeal that you read this messege, it´s a true story

I'd like to provide translation in Afrikaans!

IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence 2004

IPsmarx Technologies Inc. Canada

Japanese translation of "Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic Web using N3"

Japanese translation of W3C Process Document

Japanese translation of XML Events

Link exchange with other freelance translators

Link from translation site



Multweb, caindo

New Translator Request

New W3C CSS validator interface

New W3C CSS validator interface (italian translation: done)

New W3C CSS validator interface - Spanish translation (was call for translations)

OK, So who and what is Freestore Club and why is it free?

Polish translation of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

Polish translations of XHTML 1.0 SE and XHTML M12n completed

Rectified PNG

Rectified PNG in Hindi


Ruby: German translation

Ruby: German translation (available now)

Russian translation of "Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML"

Shredders from AB Technology

SOAP Primer in Italian

SOAP v1.2 Part 0: Primer, and XML Events, both into Spanish

SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0 in Italian

SOAP Version 1.2 Primer in Italian

Submission of translated page

Submission of Translated page in hindi

Submission of Translated web page

SVG 1.1 Chinese Translation

The Profile of Hasyim Muzadi, 2003 (IWDW)

The Worlds Greatest Vitamin!

translating or not translating "title attributes"


Translation (English - Tamil)

Translation of article 'XForms for HTML Authors' and XForms press release

Translation of DOM Level 2 Specification into Spanish

Translation of page in hindi

Translation of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification

Translation of the Tip of the Day

Translation of w3c 7 points in telugu

translation of w3c document into Hindi

Translation of W3C-WAI-Note

Translation of WAI(Home Page) to Telugu

Translation of WAI-QuickTips to Kannada language

Translation of WAI-Quicktips to Telugu

Translation of WCAG 1.0 Full Checklist

Translation of XML in 10 points in Telugu!!

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (Italian)

WAI Quick Tips in Bulgarian

WAI QuickTips-- Turkish translation

WCAG 1.0 Conformance (following discussion in WCAG WG)

WCAG 1.0 CSS Techniques (Italian)

WCAG 1.0 in Polish - continuation

Why do you translate W3C's recommendations?

XHTML 1.0 The Extensible HyperText MarkUp Language 2nd Ed. - brazilian portuguese translation

XHTML1.0 - brazilian portuguese translation starts

XML Events into German - review version online

XML Events into German started

XML in 10 Points, Telugu

XSLT to Catalan


Last message date: Wednesday, 31 December 2003 08:52:23 UTC