WCAG 1.0 in Polish - continuation

Dear Sirs,

We are very sorry for and embarrassed by the delay. We were
to finish the translation in the middle of October, and even now, when
November has already begun, it is not utterly finished.

But, it is almost finished. We still struggle with few words and
expressions (e.g. "graceful transformation", "internationalization" or
"deprecated" - we hesitate whether we should translate the latter at
all), but the text, as a whole, is ready. It can be found at
[http://wai.staszyna.org] (this address will change).

We are aware that still some work needs to be done to ultimately close
this project. Therefore we kindly ask whether it could be possible that
we send you the final version of the translation in the beginning of
December. We know that it means yet another month of delay, but please
do not consider it as such. We can assure you that this time we will
finish the translation on time. We need to solve all those single-word
problems and to have the text reviewed. We believe it is worth
postponing it until December.

We also have to XHTML-ize the text of the translation. We would also
like to ask whether the text needs to be on your server or maybe can it
be on ours? (we mean mozillapl.org).

Moreover, we also plan to publish by the end of November drafts of our
translations of the following WAI documents:

1. Auxiliary Benefits of Accessible Web Design
2. Accessibility Features of CSS
3. Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

We ask for the permission to translate mentioned documents as well as
the "Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0" document
together with related documents

Yours faithfully,
Tadeusz Dudkowski
Stanis³aw Ma³olepszy

Reklama: Katedra Teorii Zarz±dzania SGH zaprasza na Konferencjê kadry zarz±dzaj±cej "Strategie innowacji - dobre praktyki polskich przedsiêbiorstw". Konferencja odbêdzie siê 5 listopada 2003 w Pa³acu Staszica PAN. Szczegó³y http://www.sgh.waw.pl/innowacje/

Received on Monday, 3 November 2003 12:41:00 UTC