The Profile of Hasyim Muzadi, 2003 (IWDW)

Jakarta, October 8th, 2003
Jakarta, IWDW Reports
Since the controvercy of his decision on relationship development of the goverment of Israel with NGOs in Jerusalem including The Peres Center for Peace. So, the Teams of IWDW explored the profile of Hasyim Muadi, who right now has been the general chairman of PBNU in Jakarta Indonesia.
One of our resources stated that increasingly he had ever been joint the Indonesian Student of Indonesia (PII), the Member of Political Party of  PPP, in East Java, in educational background he had study in Gontor Moslem Boarding School as basic network for Wahabi' movement in Indonesia. Althought, he had sent to be general Chairman of NU by The Gontor Gourp to intervence most stronger power under New Orde Regime and HMI' alumni Association.
The Gontor groups are Prof Dr. Syaifi Maarif, Dr. Din Syamsudin, Prof. Dr. Nurcholis Majid who have not anti semitic thought, and then normally Hasyim Muzadi was differently has a crammed-vision not similarlly from Gus Dur's vision. This is one of our thesis of Moslem power and Wahabi's movement in Indonesia, it is most unbelieveble that he had support dominanly from US, UK and Australi Embassy in Jakarta to minimalise the Depok movement.
Moreover, To analyses our horison about Hasyim Muzadi's profile and leadership is, in the beginning of 2002, he met Megawati and Matori Abdul Jalil, the Defence ministry to discuss about Gus Dur power and further collaborattion next general election 2004, said nevoursly his general secretary of PBNU, Muhyidien Arubusman. This resources are also  backed up from Maksum Zuber, senior of BMNU that most senior Ulema council in NU would like to impeach him regarding his political behaviour and controversial.
in the similar manner, according Muzadi'man who has been an ambassador in Qatar that he had got stroger support from US, UK. Australia Embassies in Jakarta to be second powerfull man after Megawati Soekarno putri.

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Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 01:21:22 UTC