w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org from November 2003 by subject

20031121 Telecon cancelled

[Fwd: Current Action List for RDFCore Working Group]

[Fwd: TR Bibliography extractor]


Base URI/default namespace interaction

Call for agenda items

character encoding in RDF

cite test results from SOTD of rdf-testcases?

Concepts updated

D-interpretation is also rdfs-interpretation

entailment-from-inconsistent-graph: new test case request

Error in current WG test cases?

Final version of semantics

fragment identifiers

Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-swartz-rdfcore-rdfxml-mediatype-03.txt

lc2 comments: just two left

meeting next week (nov 14)? provisionally yes, ...

Minutes, 2003-11-07

Missing test:entailmentRules arcs

more from I18N WG

Never say "final"

Picayune correction to WD-rdf-primer-20031010

pls add anchor for "semantic extensions"

possible cross-referring edits

possible regrets for 7 November telecon

Process for editorial fixes? Re: Missing test:entailmentRules arcs (fwd)

Proposal to postpone relationship between XMLLiterals and plain literals

Proposal to reject I18N XMLLiteral comments

Proposed editorial change concenring %-escaping in RDF URI Refs

proposed Primer editorial change

proposed response to [minor errors in WD-rdf-primer-20030905]

Proposed response to Sandro, manifest changes.

Proposed response to Sandro, no change version.

RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax: two comments

RDF Semantics: partial review

rdfcore 2003-11-07 agenda (docs, doc actions, issues, PR status?, xml schema charter input)

RDFCore Telecon 14 Nov 2003 Cancelled?

RDFCore teleconference: 2003-10-31

Recent internet draft goes missing

Regrets for 14 November telcon

Regrets, Friday 28 Nov

Request for PR

running the positive parser test

semantics doc ed's draft updated

status of 2LC Primer comments

Status of lc2 comments - outstanding primer-1, testcases-5

substantive semantics change?

telecon this week?

Test case document, simple entailment: preferred option.

Tests rdfms-seq-representation-test00[24]

too many positive entailment test results

Updated issue tracking doc to include objections and responses

URGENT: Request to advance to PR ready, Request process check, Ed's doc check

was: Re: Final version of semantics

Working group implementation experience request

working on request for PR in #rdfcore

Last message date: Saturday, 29 November 2003 14:35:39 UTC