Working group implementation experience request

The following document ...

RDFCore Working Group Implementation Report, PR request - DRAFT@@
DRAFT @@ $Revision: 1.34 $ of $Date: 2003/11/13 20:24:28 $ by $Author: 
em $

... includes only a small portion of the RDF implementations that are 
somewhere in my brain. That being said, I'm at risk of not dumping all 
of these without distributing some of the work :)  As such, I'd like to 
request from rdfcore wg members that if you're working on a project 
using RDF please provide me with a brief abstract of your work if you 
do not see this currently in the document. (@@ foaf, uriqa, megs, etc. 

Special bonus points if you provide this to me in RDF/XML ala but at this point XHTML snippits 
following the document example will be fine :)

thanks in advance,

eric miller                    
semantic web activity lead     
w3c world wide web consortium  

Received on Thursday, 13 November 2003 15:36:03 UTC