Re: Test case document, simple entailment: preferred option.

>> The point about datatype selection in the last case being closed-world
>> is still true. To really deal with that, the expression of
>> "supported datatypes" should be done using a parseType=collection-style
>> rdf:List.
> that appeals to my intuition, though we haven't finished our
> cwm-based harness work, so I can't say with much confidence
> whether I need it.

Also my intuition, however we actually don't need it
in our implementation as we load a set of xsd-rules
(for all xsd primitive datatypes) as soon as we have
a test case with test:datatypeSupport (which might be
wrong for negative entailment tests but then we are
typically undecided).

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 7 November 2003 18:52:37 UTC