Re: status of 2LC Primer comments

Frank Manola wrote:
> On the 2LC comments page, the comment "i18n-comments-more" under Primer 
> shows a WG response of "not accepted".  This seems a bit odd, since the 
> link points to a message in which, of the 8 comments made, I agreed to 
> make 4 of them exactly as stated, and suggested an alternative solution 
> to address a 5th one.  It also makes us look less responsive to comments 
>  that we perhaps actually are.  Perhaps this is unimportant at this late 
> stage of things, but isn't there such a thing as "partially accepted"?

You make a good point Frank.  In the past we might have split these up 
into separate comments, but this time round I haven't done that.  I 
don't have a partially accepted and when I came to filling in the RDF I 
figured that the not-accepted dominated, in the sense that it would be 
more misleading to suggest that we have accepted the comment, when we 
had not accepted at least part of it.

I could introduce a partially-accepted if folks feel strongly about it, 
or if I find time to do it anyway.  I guess we could also split the 
comment into two, the ones we accept and the ones we dont.  I'm actually 
inclined to leave it alone, but that could be laziness on my part.

Let me know if folks think its important to correct.

I don't think it will be perceived as a reflection on your 
responsiveness to comments.


Received on Monday, 17 November 2003 14:25:17 UTC