(Re: FAQ questions 3.10 + 3.11)
[ACTION-910][ADMIN] Revised minutes of Sept. 1 telecon
[ACTION-925] Review of RIF Guide
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 15 September
[Admin] Agenda for RIF teleon September 29
[ADMIN] Minutes of 1 September 09 telecon
[Core][BLD] Content model of the Import's "location" and "profile" sub-elements
[DTB] fixing mapping in numeric functions
[OWL compatibility] #, ## in OWL compatibility
- Michael Kifer (Thursday, 10 September)
- Jos de Bruijn (Thursday, 10 September)
- Michael Kifer (Thursday, 10 September)
- Chris Welty (Thursday, 10 September)
- Michael Kifer (Thursday, 10 September)
- Jos de Bruijn (Thursday, 10 September)
- Michael Kifer (Thursday, 10 September)
- Jos de Bruijn (Thursday, 10 September)
- Michael Kifer (Thursday, 10 September)
- Chris Welty (Thursday, 10 September)
- Michael Kifer (Thursday, 10 September)
- Jos de Bruijn (Thursday, 10 September)
[RIF-XMLdata] Updated draft
[RIF-XMLdata] Updated draft (reply to Dave)
[RIF-XMLdata] Updated draft (reply to Gary)
[RIF/XML] XML task force
[RIF] Action-907
[RIF] Test document
[XMLdata] Proposed editorial notes ofr FPWD (Was: Re: Review of XML-DATA)
ACTION-733 started: my very belated OWLRL-RIF review
ACTION-914 and ACTION-918 completed
ACTION-919 completed
ACTION-920 completed
Another question re: ACTION-920
AW: talks on RIF at RuleML-2009
BLD restriction
BLD/FLD Issue/Bug: What is D<sub>list</sub>?
Bugs found in the editor draft for OWL 2 RL - RIF
comment on RIF-PRD
Draft minutes for 29 Sep 2009
draft minutes of Sept 15th RIF telecon
DTB comments from XML Query
DTB: Problem/Erratum for DTBin function string-join
EBNF grammar of presentation syntax
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Axel Polleres (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Axel Polleres (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Axel Polleres (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Stella Mitchell (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Axel Polleres (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 30 September)
- Stella Mitchell (Monday, 21 September)
- Axel Polleres (Monday, 21 September)
Editors: need to update changes since Last Call section
FAQ questions 3.10 + 3.11
Fwd: EBNF grammar of presentation syntax
Jim Melton: XML Query WG review of RIF Datatypes and Built-Ins 1.0
Mail outage
need by tomorrow
New draft of RIF+XML data available for review
new mailing list: public-rif-dev@w3.org
New PRD tests added
new snapshots
new snapshots, errors
OWL2RL document updated
passing negative entailment tests
please review my response to Jim Melton / XQuery
publication oops
publication previews
publication update / to-do list
review of Guide
Review of XML-Data
review OWL2RL in RIF
RIF "Guide"
RIF lists question referring to ourt last telecon discussion
rif owlrl
RIF+XML data document
RIF-PRD implementation report
RIF-Test review
RR2009: Call for Participation (Early registration deadline: Sep 20th)
RuleML-2009 Call for Participation -Earlybird Deadline Sept. 25th
schedule slip
talks on RIF
Update to RIF+XML data document (Ooop!)
Last message date: Wednesday, 30 September 2009 18:28:24 UTC