Re: BLD/FLD Issue/Bug: What is D<sub>list</sub>?

yes. it's a typo - fixed.

On Sun, 20 Sep 2009 08:49:56 +0100
Axel Polleres <> wrote:

> I realize that the definition of
>   D<sub>list</sub>
> is unclear.
> BLD says (cf.
> "The set I<sub>list</sub>(D<sub>ind</sub>), henceforth denoted  
> D<sub>list<sub>, [...]"
> Now that would mean that D<sub>list<sub> only comprises the domain of  
> 1-element lists which for sure is not the intention...
> So you meant to say
> "The set I<sub>list</sub>(D<sub>ind</sub><sup>*</sup>), henceforth  
> denoted D<sub>list<sub>, [...]"
>                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> correct?
> I assume the same needs to be fixed in FLD.
> Axel

Received on Sunday, 20 September 2009 19:44:43 UTC