Re: DTB comments from XML Query wrote on 28/09/2009 19:02:48:
>   * Why are we using a different namespace?  (I don't remember)

My recollection is that we had to introduce a RIFs-pecific namespace for 
predicates because "op:" does not stand for a namespace in XF&O, and that 
we added a matching namespace for functions.

See history (or what I could dig aobut it) below:
- Axel wrote on May 5, 2008 [1]
> 2) FULL URIs for RIF (see also [7])
> From the original proposals, the following 2 seem to have "survived" 
> the discussions so far:
> a) define own prefixes (separate for functions and predicates):
> c) reuse XPath/Xquery fn: prefix (problem: not prefix defined for op: we 

> still would need to invent one):
> I personally prefer a) and suggest to
> PROPOSE: We define own namespace prefixes
>   PREFIX("pred", "").
>   PREFIX("func", "").
>for RIF builtin functions and predicates

- The item was discussed at the telecon on May 13, 2008 [2]

- The decisio nto go with two different namespaces (and, thus, to create 
one for op:) was made informally at F2F10 [3]



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Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2009 12:36:55 UTC