Re: [ACTION-925] Review of RIF Guide

>> I didn't (yet) add the OWL rdf:PlainLiteral document, since it is
>> prominently mentioned in the Guide-indexed DTB document, and since
>>, linked from
>> doesn't mention it either.
> FWIW, I agree, Harold.  rdf:PlainLiteral is not part of RIF, it's just a
> bit of technology we happen to use, and happened to help develop.  I
> consider it independent and don't think we should mention it in Guide.
>    - s

It might, however, be useful to at least mention in the Guide that there
may be some documents on the RIF home page that are not RIF documents and
are therefore not discussed in the Guide. There would be no need to
mention rdf:PlainLiteral by name. But I think it would lessen potential
confusion about the existence of documents on the RIF home page that are
not discussed in the Guide.


Leora Morgenstern, Ph.D.

Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2009 14:45:14 UTC