Re: Review of XML-Data


I made the editorial changes you suggested (see below). Thanx.

Gary Hallmark wrote on 28/09/2009 22:17:49:
> Editorial:
> The 2 phrases "XML document" and "XML data source" are used 
> interchangeably. For concreteness and
> without loss of generality, "XML document" should be used consistently 
> throughout.


> Definition (Instance of the data model). An instance*s* of the data 
> model (remove the *s*)


> I don't understand the "resp." clause in the following:
> <quote>
> child::[prefix:]NAME, resp. child::schema-element([prefix:]NAME), if 
> the, optional, namespace URI in C' s DM-Name is URI and if the local 
> name is NAME.
> </quote>

I changed the sentence to:
"child::[prefix:]NAME (and child::schema-element([prefix:]NAME), if the 
data model instance that contains e is constructed from a PSVI), if the, 
optional, namespace URI in C' s DM-Name is URI and if the local name is 

> spelling: forme (should be form)




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Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2009 13:42:42 UTC