Re: Another question re: ACTION-920

> yet another one (this is how far I got regarding ACTION-920 so far):
> ence.29
> func:sublist (adapted from fn:subsequence)
> Note that this function as it stands so far is quite different from  
> fn:subsequence. First, fn:subsequence has no ?stop position argument,  
> but ?start ?length instead, second the domain for these two parameters  
> as defined for fn:subsequence is xs:double)
> I suggest to go with the way that fn:subsequence proposes, i.e.
> ?start ?length
> instead of
> ?start stop
> In general, I am afraid I need some more time to check all of the list  
> functions, hope to be finished before the next telconf though.

This decision was made a long time ago, and it's too late to change it
(that is, it's after Last Call) without new information, etc.  It's not
like this is a bug; it's a coinflip decision we made as a group.

   -- Sandro

Received on Sunday, 20 September 2009 15:02:30 UTC