from April 2017 by subject

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Publishing Working Group Charter'

A reminder

Agenda for April 11 W3C PBG Meeting

April 25 Publishing Business Group Call

Comment on "Call for Review: Publishing Working Group Charter"

For the records: Publ WG F2F logistics

Meeting minutes 2017-04-11

Meeting minutes 2017-04-25

Proposal for carrying forward accessibility work in W3C publishing groups

Proposal for charter changes, in view of the formal objections by Vivliostyle & Disruptive Innovation

Re 2: Proposal for charter changes, in view of the formal objections by Vivliostyle & Disruptive Innovation

Resending proposal for carrying forward accessibility work in W3C publishing groups

Resending proposal for carrying forward accessibility work in W3C publishing groups (with attachement)

Some new issues raised on the charter

The charter is now officially under review!

W3C PBG Meeting

W3C PBG new calendar events

Last message date: Thursday, 27 April 2017 15:14:05 UTC