Re: Resending proposal for carrying forward accessibility work in W3C publishing groups (with attachement)

Thanks Bernhard,

The proposals draws a dividing line between accessibility work in community group and accessibility work in working group. All the accessibility work that is for existing EPUB 3 based eco system should go in the community group.

We have not gone into specifics because it is strategic document, we can define it more precisely in the work plan of accessibility task force under community group.
For example, publishing working group charter explicitly mentions Coordination with ARIA and WCAG. 
 Similarly, this document does not mention details of ISO, which would be figured out by task forces in business group and community group.

With regards
From: Bernhard Heinser 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 13:39
Subject: Re: Resending proposal for carrying forward accessibility work in W3C publishing groups (with attachement)

Hi Avneesh and all

I read the document. Overall, I endorse it. Some comments follow.

I do agree with the proposal that the accessibility work should be part of the community group. I would however rather say: the community group is the home base of the further accessibility work, at least in the early phase of the convergence between Web (W3C) and former IDPF. - Part of the "charter" for accessibility within the community group must however be that it clearly states its task to ensure the close coordination between
a. the publishing working group (and the W3C as a whole)
b. WAI and the further developments around WCAG, WAI-ARIA etc.

As far as I can see, all this is included in the document. May be it could be made a little more explicit.

Best. Bernhard

Am 26.04.2017 um 08:46 schrieb Avneesh Singh:

  Sorry, I missed out attachment. Thanks to Bernhard for alerting.
  With regards
  From: Avneesh Singh 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 22:54
  Subject: Resending proposal for carrying forward accessibility work in W3C publishing groups

  Dear all,

  As per the discussions in today’s business group calls, I am resending the proposal for accessibility work for discussions and decision.

  With regards
  From: MURATA Makoto 
  Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 09:33
  Subject: Re: Proposal for carrying forward accessibility work in W3C publishing groups

  I just learned from the  ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 secretariat  
  that the path we used for the ISO/IEC Technical 
  Specification for EPUB 3 is no longer available. 

  At that time, member bodies (in our case, Korea) were 
  able to submit Draft Technical Specifications using the 
  fast-track procedure.  But the fast-track procedure for 
  Technical Specifications will be removed from the directives 
  (to be precise, JTC1 Supplement) very soon.

  The only procedure for creating Technical Specifcations 
  will be the normal process.  I will find out more about 
  the amount of required works.


  2017-04-08 13:18 GMT+09:00 Avneesh Singh <>:

    Hi Makoto,

    Thanks for your offer for helping in ISO work.
    Indeed it should go in ISO technical specification.
    In London face to face Ivan clarified that only W3C rec track deliverables can go through W3C PAS route.

    So, most probably EPUB 3.1 and EPUB accessibility standard will go in ISO through the same path as EPUB 3/3.01.

    With regards

    From: MURATA Makoto 
    Sent: Saturday, April 8, 2017 06:20
    Subject: Re: Proposal for carrying forward accessibility work in W3C publishing groups

    Avneesh and George, 

    Your proposal looks sensible to me.  You wrote "To address the 
    valid concerns of lower significance of deliverables of community 
    groups, the accessibility specifications should become ISO standard 
    and should be aggressively promoted by The Publishing Business Group."

    First, do you mean a standard or a technical specifiation?  EPUB 3 
    is now a collection of technical specifications.

    Second, which ISO committee do you have in mind?  EPUB 3 is 
    handled by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34/JWG7, which is a joint working 
    group by SC34, IEC TC100, and ISO TC46.  But WCAG2.0 
    was submitted by W3C to JTC1 as a PAS submission.

    I am sure that ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34/JWG7 will weclome this work, 
    although has no accessibility experts.  Although I am not an 
    accessibility expert yet, I can probably help the procedural part.


    2017-04-07 23:04 GMT+09:00 Avneesh Singh <>:

      Dear Publishing Business group members,

      In our meeting at London, George and I were given task to propose the way forward for accessibility work in W3C publishing groups.
      We have discussed various aspects and prepared a document, the same is attached for further discussions and decisions.

      The chairs may schedule the discussion in our conference calls if they feel appropriate.

      With regards


    Praying for the victims of the Japan Tohoku earthquake



  Praying for the victims of the Japan Tohoku earthquake


Bernhard Heinser
Mobile: +41 (0)79 703 37 71

Swiss Foundation Access for All / CEO

Received on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 11:45:03 UTC