from March 2010 by subject

5th F2F Meeting Agenda

5th F2F meeting: first day summary

5th F2F meeting: second day summary

[ERRATA] Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 17 March, Telecon *0900 UTC*

ACTION-141 done: clarify the role of the UA for rendering a media fragment

ACTION-143 done

ACTION-144 done

ACTION-155: Figures illustrating URI fragment Resolution in HTTP

ACTION-158: Exhaustive list of Test Cases for the temporal dimension in the Media Fragment URI

ACTION-220 to Investigate into the "wttjs" tool to transform WebIDL example into testsuite

bandwidth conservation use case, objection to use of Range for non-byte sections

CANCEL: Media Fragments Working Group 24 March, Telecon 0900 UTC

CANCEL: Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 17 March, Telecon 1000 UTC

Formatting of the minutes

Issue of combining multiple dimensions

ISSUE-15: Which def should we take?

ISSUE-16: Combining axis is probably not going to be done by LC, but we should write somewhere that this is doable

Media Fragment validation service

Media Fragments Home page updated

Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 03 March, Telecon 1000 UTC

Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 17 March, Telecon 1000 UTC

Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 31 March, Telecon 0900 UTC

Media Fragments Working Group: availability this week?

minutes from yesterday and some fixes

minutes of 2010-03-03 teleconference

Objection to use of Range for non-byte sections (from Conrad)

Percent encoding

publication of Media Fragments URI 1.0 as a WD

Ran into a problem with corrib...

Range equivalence (was Re: 5th F2F meeting: second day summary)

Segment production rule

short report of 2010-03-31 teleconference

Spec layering: name-value pairs and beyond

The problem of having multiple Content-Range headers in HTTP response

Track fragments

Update your stylesheet before generating a new HTML version of the spec

user of media fragments

W3C TPAC2010 Meeting Schedule: 1-5 November, Lyon, France

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 March 2010 12:05:30 UTC