from February 2014 by subject

[Bug 10015] longdesc URL checking

[Bug 10016] longdesc and @role (ARIA)

[Bug 10019] Native user agent support for exposing longdesc to all users

[Bug 10779] triggering the Action of the command via accesskey

[Bug 10890] i18n comment : Allow utf-16 meta encoding declarations

[Bug 11342] TextMetrics should include distance from textBaseline to each of the baselines in the text

[Bug 12794] <video> Add a non-normative note on how to provide text alternatives for media elements

[Bug 13137] HTML 5 table spec tables samples contain no ARIA markup example.

[Bug 13397] i18n-ISSUE-78: Spellchecking in editors and sc services

[Bug 13398] i18n-ISSUE-80: Default rules for the quotes property

[Bug 13436] Editorial changes to The Video element (4 of 5)

[Bug 13437] Editorial changes to The Video element (5 of 5)

[Bug 13511] document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 13539] Specify reading and navigation order

[Bug 13550] type table in 4.10.7 should indicate control type changes based on list attribute

[Bug 13553] 4.10.6 confusing, seemlingly contradictory text

[Bug 13555] Fixing keyboard shortcuts and commands

[Bug 13560] dynamic changes to input type attribute may cause problems for accessibilty APIs

[Bug 13564] Negotiating shortcut keybindings

[Bug 13566] use of input type image to send coordinates should be phased out

[Bug 13579] Clarify behavior of accesskey on static content elements

[Bug 13594] Handling of duplicate keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13616] Allow specifying categories/keywords for commands

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13635] Feedback on Various Input Types and Attributes

[Bug 13718] specification should not require language-specific quotation styles without defining them

[Bug 16954] i18n-ISSUE-81: Strip other line-terminators?

[Bug 16955] i18n-ISSUE-83: add note about why Gregorian only used

[Bug 16957] i18n-ISSUE-85: Health warning about converting date to/from incremental time

[Bug 16959] i18n-ISSUE-88: local/floating date terminology

[Bug 16960] i18n-ISSUE-89: Time zones and local dates and times

[Bug 16961] i18n-ISSUE-91: 15 minute time zones

[Bug 16962] i18n-ISSUE-92: time zone vs. time zone offset

[Bug 16964] i18n-ISSUE-95: Limitations and defaults for accept-charset

[Bug 16968] i18n-ISSUE-103: Refer to CharMod

[Bug 16969] i18n-ISSUE-104: clarify "additional requirements on character encodings"

[Bug 16970] i18n-ISSUE-105: compatibility caseless matching

[Bug 16971] i18n-ISSUE-106: When the character cannot be encoded into the target encoding

[Bug 16972] i18n-ISSUE-107: replacement characters

[Bug 16974] i18n-ISSUE-109: use term 'space characters'

[Bug 16976] i18n-ISSUE-111: note historical origin of lastModified format

[Bug 16977] i18n-ISSUE-116: setter/getter for title direction?

[Bug 17673] Define Initialization Data for implementations that choose to support the ISO Base Media File Format

[Bug 17750] Define the behavior MediaKeySession close() and clearing the keys attribute

[Bug 18515] Provide more details on behavior of the media element when the key for an encrypted block is not available

[Bug 20337] Make MediaKeys attachment a method instead of an attribute

[Bug 20798] keySystem strings should be compared case-sensitively

[Bug 21667] Add support for forced subtitles

[Bug 21741] can track elements be treated seperately?

[Bug 21798] Revisit MediaKeyError codes

[Bug 21957] Adjust the Reset the form owner algorithm to match reality

[Bug 22373] Should a a logo example that is not linked.

[Bug 22465] [HTML]: Obsolete use of "border" attribute

[Bug 23059] Alt text section should address a headshot of a person with their name written

[Bug 23207] Alt text should identify image class when relevant

[Bug 23265] Example 2.8 should we be concerned about a <label> without a "for"

[Bug 23300] explain more about role=application

[Bug 23373] example given is incorrect and promotes poor quality link text

[Bug 23545] section should only map to region if the section has an accessible name

[Bug 23619] Change MediaKeyError to extend DOMError and use strings for error names

[Bug 23775] Add an srcObject to HTMLMediaElement

[Bug 23871] FKA: Need contextual scoping for tabindex

[Bug 24025] Add optional configuration parameter to MediaKeys constructor

[Bug 24027] Define a generic Initialization Data solution for ISO Base Media File Format and/or Common Encryption (will be used by Clear Key)

[Bug 24081] The READY state is too limiting and should be more like the PENDING state

[Bug 24082] Several issues discussed in the TF point to the need for defined extensibility points in EME

[Bug 24097] Bug in the HTML outline algorithm

[Bug 24216] setMediaKeys() needs more specification

[Bug 24270] Make MediaKeySession State Definitions and Event Summary sections non-normative

[Bug 24273] Consider allowing the nohref attribute on area elements

[Bug 24292] Video and Audio constructors should accept File and Blob.

[Bug 24302] location.reload() when document address has a fragment should not cause just fragment navigation

[Bug 24323] Rename "First Time a Key Reference is Encountered" algorithm and remove key ID checks from Container Guidelines subsections

[Bug 24345] Remove "default-base-is-moof is set" requirement and clarify what "movie-fragment relative addressing" means

[Bug 24368] Define playback behavior when the key for an encrypted block is not available for a subset of streams

[Bug 24370] [MSE] partial interface TextTrack violates WebIDL?

[Bug 24381] HTMLMediaElement.setMediaKeys() appears superfluous

[Bug 24395] add advisory text about use of p for subheading

[Bug 24405] consider to allow multiple <main> for single-page sites

[Bug 24416] Ambiguous support for native in-band captioning.

[Bug 24419] Clear Key: Define license request format

[Bug 24428] Add parser support for feDropShadow

[Bug 24446] Consider adding CanAdapt Solutions to the funder section

[Bug 24451] editorial comments on LCWD

[Bug 24460] a <map> with no role

[Bug 24460] New: a <map> with no role

[Bug 24471] caption element currently takes any role - does not make sense

[Bug 24471] currently takes any role - does not make sense

[Bug 24471] New: currently takes any role - does not make sense

[Bug 24482] AX: AAPI mappings does not explicitly allow for UAs to determine presentational heuristics

[Bug 24482] New: AX: AAPI mappings does not explicitly allow for UAs to determine presentational heuristics

[Bug 24558] Difference in error handling for video element

[Bug 24558] New: Difference in error handling for video element

[Bug 24571] New: document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 24589] New: The absense of other input elements in the example incorrectly gives Mozilla developers the idea that even if there were other inputs in this form and it is submitted via the image type input that they should not be submitted.

[Bug 24589] The absense of other input elements in the example incorrectly gives Mozilla developers the idea that even if there were other inputs in this form and it is submitted via the image type input that they should not be submitted.

[Bug 24591] Make W3C HTML5 spec clearly and correctly state that table@border is obsolete & invalid (nonconforming)

[Bug 24591] New: Make W3C HTML5 spec clearly and correctly state that table@border is obsolete & invalid (nonconforming)

[Bug 24592] New: Native user agent support for exposing longdesc to all users

[Bug 24593] longdesc and @role (ARIA)

[Bug 24593] New: longdesc and @role (ARIA)

[Bug 24594] New: longdesc URL checking

[Bug 24595] New: Tag omission in text/html" of the rp element is wrong

[Bug 24595] Tag omission in text/html" of the rp element is wrong

[Bug 24601] add tbody/thead/tfoot

[Bug 24601] New: add tbody/thead/tfoot

[Bug 24605] Make the use of <table border="1"> RECOMMENDED default in polyglot/robust documents and tools

[Bug 24605] New: Make the use of <table border="1"> RECOMMENDED default in polyglot/robust documents and tools

[Bug 24615] Define Accessibility API behavior for dynamic changes to input element type attribute

[Bug 24615] New: Define Accessibility API behavior for dynamic changes to input element type attribute

[Bug 24626] [HTML 5.1] border is not listed in table element's "Content attributes"

[Bug 24626] New: [HTML 5.1] border is not listed in table element's "Content attributes"

[Bug 24636] In HTML5 and HTML5.1, table@border has fallen out of the list of permitted attributes for table

[Bug 24636] New: In HTML5 and HTML5.1, table@border has fallen out of the list of permitted attributes for table

[Bug 24641] Consider making border a boolean attribute

[Bug 24641] New: Consider making border a boolean attribute

[Bug 24642] New: Should it be conforming to use role=presentation for tables that have border=1?

[Bug 24642] Should it be conforming to use role=presentation for tables that have border=1?

[Bug 24644] li should provide DOM interface to its value representation

[Bug 24644] New: li should provide DOM interface to its value representation

[Bug 24647] Define table@border as explicit indication that the *borders* are meaningful

[Bug 24647] Define table@border as explicit indication that the *borders* are meaningful in some media and/or UAs

[Bug 24647] New: Define table@border as explicit indication that the *borders* are meaningful

[Bug 24654] Add definition of ”layout table” and make it equal to tables or role=presentation

[Bug 24654] New: Add definition of ”layout table” and make it equal to tables or role=presentation

[Bug 24656] New: separate microphone and audio playback.

[Bug 24660] Constraint validation on input type="email" and punycode conversion

[Bug 24660] New: Constraint validation on input type="email" and punycode conversion

[Bug 24671] New: Elements Index missing <svg> and <math> tags

[Bug 24672] New: The enclosed text has been written twice in the specification (No. 4.9.3) Tag omission part.

[Bug 24672] The enclosed text has been written twice in the specification (No. 4.9.3) Tag omission part.

[Bug 24673] Make all content type string checks case-sensitive

[Bug 24673] New: Make all content type string checks case-sensitive

[Bug 24676] New: DataCue .text attribute should be DOMString?

[Bug 24678] is this reflected by data?

[Bug 24678] New: is this reflected by data?

[Bug 24679] Addition and improvements to the table over (non-)layout table heuristics

[Bug 24679] Addition and iprovements to the table over (non-)layout table heuristics

[Bug 24679] New: Addition and iprovements to the table over (non-)layout table heuristics

[Bug 24680] hgroup obsolete and non-conforming element still exists in certain paragraphs

[Bug 24680] New: hgroup obsolete and non-conforming element still exists in certain paragraphs

[Bug 24685] New: unsure this advice is good

[Bug 24685] unsure this advice is good

[Bug 24687] New: DataCue: clarify that .data should be a clone of data argument and not a pointer

[Bug 24705] New: Revert deletion of table@border in commit 5f540174f5fde713e45b72c81e530fb5d964d2df

[Bug 24705] Revert deletion of table@border in commit 5f540174f5fde713e45b72c81e530fb5d964d2df

[Bug 24731] New: Re-add the media attribute to the specification

[Bug 24731] Re-add the media attribute to the specification

[Bug 24733] New: Nested browsing contexts shouldn't be script-closable

[Bug 24752] Inline elements for subheadings

[Bug 24752] New: Inline elements for subheadings

[Bug 24753] New: Outline models

[Bug 24754] New: menuitem and backward compatibility

[Bug 24770]

[Bug 24770] New:

[Bug 24771] New: Provide guidance on object and CDM lifetime (including when events are guaranteed to be fired)

[Bug 24788] HTMl5 should point to 2D Context instead of "below"

[Bug 24788] New: HTMl5 should point to 2D Context instead of "below"

[Bug 24812] New: Remove at risk features from CR HTML5 spec

[Bug 24812] Remove at risk features from CR HTML5 spec

[Bug 24820] [MSE] Highest presentation end timestamp

[Bug 24820] New: [MSE] Highest presentation end timestamp

[Bug 24836] "Tag omission" information

[Bug 24836] New: "Tag omission" information

[Bug 24839] clarify that heading in section can be a descendant of non sectioning elements such as header/div

[Bug 24839] New: clarify that heading in section can be a descendant of non sectioning elements such as header/div

[Bug 24840] [CORS] reference needs update

[Bug 24840] New: [CORS] reference needs update

[Bug 24841] [DOM] reference needs update

[Bug 24841] New: [DOM] reference needs update

[Bug 24842] [ENCODING] reference needs update

[Bug 24842] New: [ENCODING] reference needs update

[Bug 24843] [XHR] reference needs update

[Bug 24843] New: [XHR] reference needs update

[Bug 24853] allow nested <header> tags

[Bug 24853] New: allow nested <header> tags

[Bug 24854] New: [MSE] Coded Frame Algorithm and erroneous abort case

[Bug 24859] Automatic Video and Audio Track Selection Based on User Preferences and Terminal Characteristics

[Bug 24859] New: Automatic Video and Audio Track Selection Based on User Preferences and Terminal Characteristics

[Bug 24860] New: When can user agents honor the user preferences for automatic text track selection

[Bug 24860] When can user agents honor the user preferences for automatic text track selection

[Bug 24862] Disabling Subtitles Based on Users Changing Preferences in the UA

[Bug 24862] New: Disabling Subtitles Based on Users Changing Preferences in the UA

[Bug 24863] New: Per-track metadata for video and audio tracks

[Bug 24863] Per-track metadata for video and audio tracks

[Bug 24868] New: seems like a no brainer for it to have a default role=group?

[Bug 24869] New: why not allow button?

[Bug 6496] Allow <img aria-labelledby> to act as a text alternative

[Bug 9241] Explicitly state, "For guidance on accessibility requirements for text alternatives authors should consult WCAG 2.0" and link to WCAG 2.0

[Bug 9845] provide reference and info about HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives in html5 spec

Last message date: Friday, 28 February 2014 23:11:26 UTC