from January 2010 by thread

New filesystem/directory API proposal Eric Uhrhane (Friday, 29 January)

New FileWriter proposal Eric Uhrhane (Friday, 29 January)

Re: [contacts] PutForwards for complex contact attributes Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Wednesday, 27 January)

Draft minutes 2010-01-27 Frederick Hirsch (Wednesday, 27 January)

Past discussions on vCard datamodel for contacts API (ISSUE-71) Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Wednesday, 27 January)

A comment on Security and Privacy Implications for Contact APIs (Wednesday, 27 January)

ISSUE-70 (usecases-in-spec): Should we have use-cases in specifications [APIs — General] Device APIs and Policy Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 27 January)

URN UUID on Contacts / Calendar ids Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Wednesday, 27 January)

Regrets for today's call Nilsson, Claes1 (Wednesday, 27 January)

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-27 Frederick Hirsch (Wednesday, 27 January)

Regrets for today's call Paddy Byers (Wednesday, 27 January)

ACTION-85: BONDI's investigation into LREST vs "conventional" JavaScript APIs Paddy Byers (Wednesday, 27 January)

[messaging] First Editor's Draft of Messaging API Niklas Widell (Friday, 22 January)

[calendar] Editor's Draft of Calendar API (Friday, 22 January)

Contacts API published as FPWD Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Thursday, 21 January)

CfC: Publishing System Information API FPWD Robin Berjon (Thursday, 21 January)

[sysinfo] draft updated Max Froumentin (Thursday, 21 January)

Draft minutes 2010-01-20 Frederick Hirsch (Wednesday, 20 January)

Devices as Virtual Web Services Robin Berjon (Wednesday, 20 January)

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-20 Robin Berjon (Wednesday, 20 January)

ISSUE-69 (inline-css): ReSpec should always have inlineCSS true [ReSpec] Device APIs and Policy Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 20 January)

RE: [contacts] PutForwards for complex contact attributes (Tuesday, 19 January)

ISSUE-68 (respec-idl-indent): confusing indentation of WebIDL blocks in ReSpec [ReSpec] Device APIs and Policy Working Group Issue Tracker (Monday, 18 January)

ISSUE-67: Naming of "device" Robin Berjon (Thursday, 14 January)

Draft minutes 2010-01-13 Frederick Hirsch (Wednesday, 13 January)

ACTION-74: Propose options to move forward with Capture Robin Berjon (Wednesday, 13 January)

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-13 Frederick Hirsch (Tuesday, 12 January)

RE: ACTION-38: "Should issue recommendation on the granularity of the security system" + proposal for a "Secure Credential API" Nilsson, Claes1 (Tuesday, 12 January)

Re: <device> proposal (for video conferencing, etc) Dave Burke (Sunday, 10 January)

Re: [contacts] Extending the Contacts.create() method Anssi Kostiainen (Friday, 8 January)

Why aren't most devices virtual web services? Mark S. Miller (Friday, 8 January)

[Contacts] couple of comments Max Froumentin (Thursday, 7 January)

[SysInfo] proposal for ACTION-80 - Write to list on properties to drop or simplify Max Froumentin (Wednesday, 6 January)

Re: Hanging the APIs off navigator.device Robin Berjon (Wednesday, 6 January)

CfC: Publishing Contacts API FPWD Robin Berjon (Wednesday, 6 January)

ISSUE-64 (hidingIsHard): "Generic" sensors may permit discovering sensitive information [System Information and Events API] Device APIs and Policy Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 6 January)

Draft minutes - 2010-01-06 teleconference Frederick Hirsch (Wednesday, 6 January)

ISSUE-63 (encryptedIsMagic): network API: "encrypted" property is meaningless [System Information and Events API] Device APIs and Policy Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 6 January)

ISSUE-62 (respec-changemarkers): Add change markers to respec [ReSpec] Device APIs and Policy Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 6 January)

RE: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-06 David Rogers (Wednesday, 6 January)

ACTION-69: Policy use cases Paddy Byers (Wednesday, 6 January)

Camera properties (Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review) Thomas Roessler (Tuesday, 5 January)

Video and Audio codecs (Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review) Thomas Roessler (Tuesday, 5 January)

Ambient Light (Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review) Thomas Roessler (Tuesday, 5 January)

Network API (Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review) Thomas Roessler (Tuesday, 5 January)

Thermometer API (Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review) Thomas Roessler (Tuesday, 5 January)

CPU API (Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review) Thomas Roessler (Tuesday, 5 January)

Power API (Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review) Thomas Roessler (Tuesday, 5 January)

Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review Doug Turner (Monday, 4 January)

RE: <device> proposal (for video conferencing, etc) David Rogers (Monday, 4 January)

Regrets Marengo Marco (Monday, 4 January)

Re: W3C TAG position on policy mechanisms for Web APIs and Services Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Monday, 4 January)

Last message date: Sunday, 31 January 2010 10:00:56 UTC