Re: Thermometer API (Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review)

On 06/01/2010 12:17, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> Why is "machine is in a dangerous state" the webapp author's concern,
> and not the runtime's?  The same comment as for the CPU API -- what's
> our abstraction model here? -- applies.

The same webapps/runtime comments apply across the whole specification, 
and the whole of DAP!

In this case, there are scenarios in which the webapp author is 
concerned that his webapp is using too many resources and wants to react 
accordingly (slowing down the frame rate, for instance)

Of course you could simplify things drastically and provide a single API 
that has one attribute that exposes the "system stress", combining CPU, 
thermal, fans, etc. Is that what people expect from a System Information 


Received on Wednesday, 6 January 2010 12:06:17 UTC