TopBraid Composer 5.0 beta with SHACL support
RDF Data Shapes WG minutes for 25 June 2015
Regrets for 25.06.2015
shapes-ISSUE-72 (QCRs): Qualified Cardinality Restrictions [SHACL Spec]
Core SHACL Semantics: Probable Typos
Core SHACL Semantics: Inference Rules
RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 25 June 2015 with negated recursion
Core SHACL Semantics: SImple vs Complex Shapes
Core SHACL Semantics - More Abstract Syntax Questions/Comments
Core SHACL Semantics - Abstract Syntax Bugs
Re: Recursion in RDF Data Shape Languages
shapes-ISSUE-71 (Protocol): SHACL Endpoint Protocol [SHACL Spec]
shapes-ISSUE-70 (blank node default type): special treatment of blank node types [SHACL Spec]
shapes-ISSUE-69 (rdf:langString): status of rdf:langString values with xsd:string datatype [SHACL Spec]
RDF Data Shapes WG minutes for 18 June 2015
SHACL: A language for multiple platforms
Specific proposals for ISSUE-1
- Re: Specific proposals for ISSUE-1
- Re: Specific proposals for ISSUE-1
- Re: Specific proposals for ISSUE-1
proposal for ISSUE-47 - no required access to the shape graph
Using sh:scopeShape within And/Xor/Not/OR Constraints
F2F4 Venue information
RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 18 June 2015
- Re: RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 18 June 2015
- Re: RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 18 June 2015
- Re: RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 18 June 2015
shapes-ISSUE-68 (pre-binding): pre-binding not defined in SHACL spec [SHACL Spec]
RDF Data Shapes WG Minutes for 11 June 2015
ISSUE-67: Http://
ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- ISSUE-6 - status of scopes on shapes and constraints
- Re: ISSUE-6 - status of scopes on shapes and constraints
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
- Re: ISSUE-22: Proposal based on sh:hasShape
Re: a path towards implementing the way forward
Re: Proposal for ISSUE-1
Re: shapes-ISSUE-52 (labra): Define an Abstract Syntax for SHACL [SHACL Spec]
RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 11 June 2015
resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
- Re: resolving ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?
SHACL Specification Fragment (ACTION-27)
shapes-ISSUE-66 (ill-founded): SHACL should not be ill-founded [SHACL Spec]
RDF Data Shapes WG Minutes for 4 June 2015
on shape recognition
Re: shapes-ACTION-26: Draft a proposal for issue-1 (with holger)
on constraints (ISSUE-65)
on constraints (ISSUE-65)
shapes-ACTION-27: Write outline of semantics document fragment
[ISSUE-62] A clean proposal with sh:Scope
- Re: [ISSUE-62] A clean proposal with sh:Scope
- Re: [ISSUE-62] A clean proposal with sh:Scope
- Re: [ISSUE-62] A clean proposal with sh:Scope
tracker not tracking emails to the working group mailing list
RDF Data Shapes WG Agenda for 4 June 2015
Re: editing SHACL specification document or fragment
shapes-ISSUE-65 (shapes, scopes, and constraints): A consistent and cohesive definition of shapes, scopes, and constraints [SHACL Spec]
Re: shapes-ISSUE-60 (Other Extension Languages): Shall SHACL support other extension languages beside SPARQL (like JavaScript)? [SHACL Spec]
[an aside on JavaScript] Re: shapes-ISSUE-60 (Other Extension Languages): Shall SHACL support other extension languages beside SPARQL (like JavaScript)? [SHACL Spec]
[Editorial] Issues/Home page cleaned up
shapes-ISSUE-64 (XSD Datatype facets): Should the Core vocabulary support datatype facets such as sh:minInclusive and sh:maxLength? [SHACL Spec]
Re: update to SHACL-SPARQL (ISSUE-62)
Re: implementing today's resolution
shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]
- Re: shapes-ISSUE-63 (sh:hasShape): Nested shapes: sh:hasShape function versus recursive SPARQL code generation [SHACL Spec]