[Editorial] Issues/Home page cleaned up

As suggested by Arnaud last week, I have cleaned up [1] the ISSUE blocks 
in the draft to point at corresponding ISSUEs on the W3C tracker. I do 
not know how to change the numbers that ReSpec is generating 
automatically, so there is a mismatch in the headers of the red ISSUE 

I have also edited the front page to list the SHACL draft under the 
Deliverables section, and changed the title of the other two proposals 
to "Other Input Documents", see [2]. I hope this reflects the current 
state of affairs.

Finally I have moved the link to the (outdated) Strawpoll from its own 
section into "Useful WG Wiki pages..."


[2] https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Main_Page#Deliverables

Received on Monday, 1 June 2015 06:50:38 UTC