Re: Specific proposals for ISSUE-1

On 6/25/2015 5:47, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On 06/18/2015 03:07 PM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
>> I suggest we split the topic into several resolutions:
>> Proposal 1: SHACL should include a property sh:sparqlEntailment that can
>> be used to specify a required inferencing level for each SPARQL query,
>> as described in
> Why would this only be for SPARQL?   If an entailment regime is used, it
> should be used for all relevant SHACL constructs, such as sh:valueType.

I am open to alternative proposals: specify the entailment per Shape, 
per Graph, as an argument to the validation engine, or not support this 
at all and leave it outside of the spec? I have no strong opinion.

>> Proposal 2: sh:valueType must also match subclasses, with its SPARQL
>> implementation using rdfs:subClassOf* as described in
> The
> SPARQL implementation does not match how subclasses are defined in any
> existing W3C specification, assuming that the recipe is exhaustive.

To avoid battles about who owns which terms, we could state that we only 
look at rdfs:subClassOf* triples, avoiding the term "subclasses".

>> Proposal 3: SHACL shall include another property sh:directValueType that
>> only matches the directly asserted types (for OSLC use case).
> What is the definition supporting "directly asserted"?

In SPARQL: EXISTS { ?this rdf:type ?directValueType }

>> Proposal 4: sh:scopeClass must also include instances of subclasses, with
>> its SPARQL implementation using rdfs:subClassOf*
> The SPARQL implementation does not match how subclasses are defined in any
> existing W3C specification, assuming that the recipe is exhaustive.

See above.

>> Proposal 5: SHACL shall include a high-level mechanism to express the
>> scope of direct instances. (Details on that depend on our resolution to
>> the general scoping topic - I hope we allow templates there).
> What is "scope of direct instances"?

Any ?this where { ?this rdf:type ?directScopeClass }

If entailment is activated on the graph, this may include additional 


Received on Thursday, 25 June 2015 00:17:12 UTC