from February 2016 by subject

[Agenda] Web Annotation Telco 2016-02-12

[web-annotation] "created, modified or generated" might be confusing

[web-annotation] 0-1 or 0-n string bodies

[web-annotation] Acknowledgement section content and change section

[web-annotation] Add `mbox_sha1sum` for the same reason(s) FOAF did

[web-annotation] Add Annotation Frame, fix Context, typos ; #80

[web-annotation] Add JSON-LD Frame as informative annex

[web-annotation] add reference to Annotation Protocol to Model

[web-annotation] Add warnings to xpath, css, and SVG selector usage

[web-annotation] Adding a good practice adding the format property for fragments

[web-annotation] Additional terminology issues: relationship, property, instance...

[web-annotation] Additional terms into the terminology section

[web-annotation] Allow >1 role per resource

[web-annotation] anno-ACTION-29: Create draft proposal for rendering state/selector

[web-annotation] Annotation Lists

[web-annotation] Annotation updated timestamp

[web-annotation] Associate license with content

[web-annotation] Can Collections embed their first Page?

[web-annotation] Clarification on sentence in section 3.2.5

[web-annotation] Clarify "existing standards" in section 1.1

[web-annotation] Clarify Selectors

[web-annotation] Client can't determine if user has authorization to modify annotation

[web-annotation] Conformance clause

[web-annotation] Creator "may be either a human or software agent"

[web-annotation] CSS Selector usage comment

[web-annotation] Define json-ld profile URI for OA serialization context and structure

[web-annotation] Define the usage of ‘modified’

[web-annotation] Definition of specific resources: @Type

[web-annotation] Definitions of Specific Resources: Example

[web-annotation] Do we allow the extension of clases?

[web-annotation] Document annotation service endpoint rel

[web-annotation] Documentation error - language code in Example 17 is incorrect

[web-annotation] Editorial issues on the model version 2016-01-16

[web-annotation] Extension Capacity

[web-annotation] External: Reflect Protocol in Social Web Protocols document

[web-annotation] Fix formatting of EXAMPLE 6: String Body

[web-annotation] Fixes many editorial issues

[web-annotation] Format should use the vocabulary of mime types

[web-annotation] HTML Serialization Use Cases

[web-annotation] Intervals in time states?

[web-annotation] Is a JSON-LD library required?

[web-annotation] item vs. member in multiplicity constructs

[web-annotation] Keeping the OA ontology up to date

[web-annotation] Language Literals not supported within the Body

[web-annotation] Language should use the Language Tags Vocabulary

[web-annotation] Make Selectors available for the wide world?

[web-annotation] Multiple Selectors

[web-annotation] Multiple States

[web-annotation] Multiplicity and Collections

[web-annotation] No context description found in the JSON-LD "Complete Example"

[web-annotation] Note after fragments list table is not consistent

[web-annotation] Note in section 4.2.4 expansion?

[web-annotation] Oxford comma...

[web-annotation] Problem with Example Use Case in section 3.2.1

[web-annotation] Proposed improvements on the terminology section of the model

[web-annotation] Publish a temporary testing JSON-LD context doc for use with JSON-LD Playground (etc)

[web-annotation] Range Selector

[web-annotation] Referring to Content in RDF

[web-annotation] Remove TextPositionSelector in favor of RangeSelector?

[web-annotation] Rename `role` to `motive`

[web-annotation] Restriction on 'purpose'

[web-annotation] Section 3.3.6 Example Use Case wording

[web-annotation] Should all responses have the anno json-ld profile?

[web-annotation] Should Vocab have diagrams?

[web-annotation] Simplifying hasBody

[web-annotation] Split model into vocab and model+json-ld

[web-annotation] String Body unusual formatting in the example

[web-annotation] Style selector vs. Styles

[web-annotation] Type in Example Use Case in section 3.3.4

[web-annotation] typo in Protocol: rdf:label

[web-annotation] Using xsd:date, too, in the model?

[web-annotation] Validation of FragmentSelector Value

[web-annotation] Would change 'site' to 'website' in Use Case in section 3.2.2

[web-annotation] Write constraints document

[web-annotation] XPath Selector

Agenda: Web Annotation Telco 2016-02-05

Agenda: Web Annotation Telco 2016-02-19

Agenda: Web Annotation Telco 2016-02-26

Closed: [web-annotation] "created, modified or generated" might be confusing

Closed: [web-annotation] 0-1 or 0-n string bodies

Closed: [web-annotation] Add `mbox_sha1sum` for the same reason(s) FOAF did

Closed: [web-annotation] Add JSON-LD Frame as informative annex

Closed: [web-annotation] add reference to Annotation Protocol to Model

Closed: [web-annotation] Add warnings to xpath, css, and SVG selector usage

Closed: [web-annotation] Adding a good practice adding the format property for fragments

Closed: [web-annotation] Additional terminology issues: relationship, property, instance...

Closed: [web-annotation] Additional terms into the terminology section

Closed: [web-annotation] Allow >1 role per resource

Closed: [web-annotation] anno-ACTION-29: Create draft proposal for rendering state/selector

Closed: [web-annotation] Annotation Lists

Closed: [web-annotation] Annotation updated timestamp

Closed: [web-annotation] Associate license with content

Closed: [web-annotation] Can Collections embed their first Page?

Closed: [web-annotation] Clarification on sentence in section 3.2.5

Closed: [web-annotation] Clarify "existing standards" in section 1.1

Closed: [web-annotation] Clarify Selectors

Closed: [web-annotation] Creator "may be either a human or software agent"

Closed: [web-annotation] CSS Selector usage comment

Closed: [web-annotation] Define the usage of ‘modified’

Closed: [web-annotation] Definition of specific resources: @Type

Closed: [web-annotation] Definitions of Specific Resources: Example

Closed: [web-annotation] Documentation error - language code in Example 17 is incorrect

Closed: [web-annotation] Editorial issues on the model version 2016-01-16

Closed: [web-annotation] Fix formatting of EXAMPLE 6: String Body

Closed: [web-annotation] Format should use the vocabulary of mime types

Closed: [web-annotation] Intervals in time states?

Closed: [web-annotation] Is a JSON-LD library required?

Closed: [web-annotation] item vs. member in multiplicity constructs

Closed: [web-annotation] Language Literals not supported within the Body

Closed: [web-annotation] Language should use the Language Tags Vocabulary

Closed: [web-annotation] Multiple Selectors

Closed: [web-annotation] Multiple States

Closed: [web-annotation] Multiplicity and Collections

Closed: [web-annotation] No context description found in the JSON-LD "Complete Example"

Closed: [web-annotation] Note after fragments list table is not consistent

Closed: [web-annotation] Note in section 4.2.4 expansion?

Closed: [web-annotation] Oxford comma...

Closed: [web-annotation] Problem with Example Use Case in section 3.2.1

Closed: [web-annotation] Range Selector

Closed: [web-annotation] Referring to Content in RDF

Closed: [web-annotation] Remove TextPositionSelector in favor of RangeSelector?

Closed: [web-annotation] Rename `role` to `motive`

Closed: [web-annotation] Restriction on 'purpose'

Closed: [web-annotation] Section 3.3.6 Example Use Case wording

Closed: [web-annotation] Should all responses have the anno json-ld profile?

Closed: [web-annotation] Simplifying hasBody

Closed: [web-annotation] Split model into vocab and model+json-ld

Closed: [web-annotation] String Body unusual formatting in the example

Closed: [web-annotation] Style selector vs. Styles

Closed: [web-annotation] Type in Example Use Case in section 3.3.4

Closed: [web-annotation] typo in Protocol: rdf:label

Closed: [web-annotation] Using xsd:date, too, in the model?

Closed: [web-annotation] Validation of FragmentSelector Value

Closed: [web-annotation] Would change 'site' to 'website' in Use Case in section 3.2.2

Closed: [web-annotation] XPath Selector

Editor actions status

ISSUE-27: Https://

JSON-LD Framing requires "@type"?

Meeting minutes 2016-02-19

Meeting minutes, 2016-01-27

Meeting minutes, 2016-02-05

Meeting minutes, 2016-02-12

Meeting minutes, 2016-02-26

Please, register for the F2F

Question on qualified linking between two resources

SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Sep 12-15, Call for Industry & Transfer Tutorials and Workshops

SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Sep 12-15, Call for Scientific Workshops

Last message date: Saturday, 27 February 2016 11:20:36 UTC