[LC304] Improved simplified proposal
[LC304] Proposal for specifying serializations using two properties: serialization format, and content type
Agenda: 13 October 2005 WS Description telcon
Agenda: 20 October 2005 WS Description telcon
Agenda: 27 October 2005 WS Description telcon
Agenda: 6 October 2005 WS Description telcon
Attempted review of SPARQL Protocol LC Draft
CFP: SOBPI'05 - Workshop on Service-Oriented Business Process Integration
Comments from WS-A on WSDL 2.0 documents
describing a service that returns an image/jpg (for example)
- Hugo Haas (Thursday, 20 October)
- Yalcinalp, Umit (Wednesday, 19 October)
- Yalcinalp, Umit (Wednesday, 19 October)
- Sanjiva Weerawarana (Wednesday, 19 October)
- Jonathan Marsh (Wednesday, 19 October)
- Sanjiva Weerawarana (Wednesday, 19 October)
- Hugo Haas (Tuesday, 18 October)
- Sanjiva Weerawarana (Thursday, 13 October)
Error in Part 2, BindingFault
How to Treat Built-In Schema Types
IEEE Data Mining 2005: Call for Participation
- ICDM (Wednesday, 12 October)
Interface definition
LC304: proposal to disambiguate serializations used in HTTP binding
LC315 complement
LC315 serialization escaping
LC344#5: clarification needed
Minor errors in adjunct schema
Minutes, 13 Oct 2005 WS Description WG telcon
Minutes, 20 October 2005 WS Description WG telcon
Minutes, 27 October 2005 WS Description WG
Minutes, 6 October 2005 WS Description WG telcon
new section
Primer: Notes on URIs
Proposal for LC333
Proposal for resolving LC345
Proposed Text for LC344#5: Operation Style
Review of LC304 in light of the resolution of LC337 (was Re: LC304: proposed resolution)
Review of WS-I18N draft
Should Operation Styles Apply to Faults?
Soapaction action
SOAPAction, WS-I BP, SOAP 1.1 and WS-Addr
What should be declared as a Fault in a WSDL
WSDL RDF mapping editor's draft
WSDL2.0 web-services!!
Last message date: Monday, 31 October 2005 22:03:25 UTC