describing a service that returns an image/jpg (for example)

Consider a service that takes a URI and returns a picture. 

Input message:

<element name="input">
      <element name="id" type="xsd:string"/>

Output message:

<element name="output">
      <element name="image" type="xsd:base64"


<operation name="gimme-image"
           style="style/iri style/one-binary-thing">
  <input message="tns:input"/>
  <output message="tns:output"/>

Note that the use of the style "style/iri" on /operation effectively
constrains the input element. The addition of the style
"style/one-binary-thing" constrains the output schema to be of the
pattern above: exactly one child in the sequence and it must be declared
as xsd:base64 along with the xmime:expectedContentType attribute.

And now the all important binding:

<binding name="foo" interface="..">
  <operation name="gimme-image" whttp:operation="GET"

When we document the "one-binary-thing" style we say that that if that
style is used then the output serialization must be set to something
that conforms to the expected content type given in the schema.

This obviously needs to be spec'ized to become real, but is it really
that simple?


Received on Thursday, 13 October 2005 16:47:35 UTC