www-style@w3.org from February 2007 by subject

% width floats within absolute positioned element

[becss] New WD for Behavioral Extensions to CSS

[CSS-X] [cssom] Update on the CSSOM

[CSS-X] style sets and style systems isolation

[CSS21] escapes in !important declarations

[CSS21] out of range unicode escapes

[CSS21] valid values with "rgb()"

[css3 box, cssom] flexibility in box-sizing and offset* properties

[css3 color] ICC profile reference

[CSS3 Text] punctuation-trim

[css3-gcpm] New WD for Generated Content for Paged Media

[cssom] document.getOverrideStyle

Adaptive size determination

behavioral spec typo


CSS3 idea: pad-to

CSS3 Text - Edit suggestions

CSS3 Text and UAX14

CSS3 Text and UAX14 (was: CSS3 Text - Edit Suggestions)

Float margin relativity (Was Re: Underhang protection)

FYI: W3.org's own CSS example does not validate

Generated content via URI

specificity, user style sheets and SVG

Survival of Styling with Copy and Paste

translation of Chapter 2

Triangles example in BeCSS

Underhang protection

Wrapping delimited lists, fluid rows

Last message date: Wednesday, 28 February 2007 22:17:40 UTC