Re: Float margin relativity (Was Re: Underhang protection)

Bert Bos wrote:
>        This block has that small left margin, but behaves normally,
>     +--------+ i.e., it wraps around a float tightly, consuming its
>     | Float  | own margin first, before indenting the lines to
>     |        | avoid the float.
>     |        |
>     |        |      This block has a 'float-displace' that makes it
>     +--------+      get some extra indent where it is next to a
>          float. It looks as if its normal margin is added to the
>          float's margin. This might be a blockquote.
>        And this is a normal block again. It has the same small
>        margin as normal paragraphs.
> In this example, the blockquote actually gets too much extra indent.

Ian Hickson refers us to this URL:

However, this seems not to match what you're saying. There is no extra indent 
against the float in the diagram on the spec page. Does this mean that this is 
resolved now?

Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2007 22:17:40 UTC