Re: CSS3 Text - Edit suggestions

On Monday 19 February 2007 09:30, fantasai wrote:
> Paul Nelson (ATC) wrote:

> > 4.       text-align property, left value definition. I believe that
> > the text for vertical is not correct, but should be defined as “In
> > vertical text, ‘left’ is interpreted with respect to the left side
> > of the line if the baseline was rotated to horizontal.”
> >
> > 5.       text-align property. right value definition. I believe
> > that the text for vertical is not correct, but should be defined as
> > “In vertical text, ‘right’ is interpreted with respect to the right
> > side of the line if the baseline was rotated to horizontal.”

I think that is a good definition, because it both defines and explains 
("to remember this, think of horizontal and vertical lines as 90 degree 
rotations of each other").

In both our vertical modes (rl and lr), the baseline is rotated the same 
way, isn't it? So 'left' is always top and 'right' always bottom. Maybe 
it is useful to add that as a note: "(I.e., text is aligned at the 

> Hmm, I see what you mean. I'm not sure how that would interact with
> any glyph-orientation stuff we add in later, so I've put
>    In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that
>    would be the start edge for left-to-right text.
> and
>    In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that
>    would be the end edge for left-to-right text.
> Does that do what you want?

I think it indeed says the same thing, but in an even more indirect way. 

I don't think glyph orientation affects text alignment. One affects 
inline layout, the other the block.

E.g., should it make a difference whether you do

    <p style="block-progression: rl;
              glyph-orientation-vertical: upright">
    <p style="block-progression: rl">
      <span style="glyph-orientation-vertical: upright">

I'm wondering if we shouldn't add keywords 'top' and 'bottom'. They 
would technically be aliases for 'left' and 'right', but maybe more 
intuitive for users. We have some bias to horizontal text that we can't 
change ('line-height'), but in this case we *can* change it.

  Bert Bos                                ( W 3 C )                               W3C/ERCIM                             2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
  +33 (0)4 92 38 76 92            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 14:14:51 UTC