www-style@w3.org from September 1997 by subject

[www-style] <none>

Absolute positioning images

ANNOUNCE: Style Sheets Reference Guide

Any way to make a non-blocktype element block-type

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this CSS?

Cascading, Inheritance, and Precedence

CSS , forms, and positioning??

CSS 2.0

CSS in different browsers

CSS1 and tables

Current Downloadable Font Status....

Design input on Macromedia authoring tool

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) proposal publicly available

Font Smoothing and CSS

Horizontal Rules (Was: Re: Various Niggling CSS1 Questions)

implementation of FIRST-LETTER - possible problem (fwd)

Intersting NS4 CSS link bug

is CLASS case-sensistive?

Link colors (correction)

Linked CSS, IE3.02, and intrafile jumps


Microsoft implementation of CSS Filters?

New HTML/CSS-based word processor for Windows 95 and NT. LOOKING FOR BETA TESTERS

New media type...

New Style Sheet Tutorial at CNet

NOTE-CSS-potential: syntax for line and paragraph breaks

Precedence within a stylesheet

problem importing style sheets

Problems w/Font Size

Programming a Web Page--- Tips!

stupid multiple definitions for the TYPE attribute

Various Niggling CSS1 Questions

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 September 1997 04:33:19 UTC