from September 2010 by subject

2 Postdoc/Assistant Professor positions in NLP at Sapienza University of Rome

2nd CFP Agent-Directed Simulation, April 4-9, 2011, Boston, USA

[DIGLIB] Call for Use Cases: Library Linked Data

[URGENT] Towards creating IEEE Transaction on IRI [TIRI]- Need help with SURVEY

Ann: Sesame Windows Client 0.9 - out-of-the-box triplestore and SPARQL query library

ANN: The Vehicle Sales Ontology - Cars, Bikes, Boats on the Web of Data -

ANNOUNCEMENT: Redland librdf Language Bindings

ANNOUNCEMENT: Redland librdf RDF library 1.0.11

ANNOUNCEMENT: Sesame Windows Client 0.10 - OWL reasoning support

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Property Reification Vocabulary v0.1

Any objections against using xsd:anySimpleType or rdfs:Literal as the rdfs:range for OWL datatype properties?

BlankNode in subject

Call for Papers - MUE 2011 (Crete, Greece, June 28-30, 2010)

Call For Papers - UCC 2010 (Dec. 14-16, 2010, Chennai, India)

Call for papers: HotSWUp III

Call for Participation: MIFI 2010

Call for Use Cases: Library Linked Data

CFP - SemWeb.Pro 2011 - 1st french Semantic Web Conference Jan 17/18 2011

CFP IUI2011 Workshop: Visual Interfaces to the Social and Semantic Web (VISSW 2011)

Cfp SWAT4LS: Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences 2010

CFP: AOW 2010 - Deadline extended to 1 October

CFP: AOW 2010 @ AI 2010

CFP: Sixth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (KCAP2011)

CFP: SWEL Special Track at FLAIRS-24

Challenge: Currently we call the semantic personal assistant "Cluug", invent a new name and win 500€

Data geek wanted - Scientific developper position in Montpellier, France

eHR-KM 2011: First International Workshop on Knowledge Management and e-Human Resources Practices for Innovation

EKAW 2010: Call for Participation

Enabling the knowledge powered enterprise in 2 mins 42 seconds

Final CfP AIJ Special Issue on AI, Wikipedia and Semi-Structured Resources

Final URSW'10: Call for Papers

First order logic and SPARQL

From proposals to funded projects! The 1st Successful Proposal Symposium, Palma de Mallorca, Oct 7-8 2010

GoodRelations Annotator

Interactive semantic video search PhD vacancy @ CWI

Inverse of rdf:type

Invitation to attend the 3rd Future Internet Symposium (20-22 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany)

Invitation to KiWi Release Party (14/10/10)

Jewelery ontology

jsonGRDDL spec revision

Linked Data Triplification Challenge 2010 -- Winners

Lists in OWL

Local Organizers sought for ISWC 2012


Next version of the LOD cloud diagram. Please provide input, so that your dataset is included.


OWL 2?

PhD Position at KIT

Phd Position in Semantic Search, Linked Data and Adaptive Web for ImREAL (FP7) at TU Delft

PhD Position in Semantic Web/Semantic Multimedia Retrieval Project at HPI Potsdam (Germany)

Postdoc Position in Semantic Search, Linked Data and Adaptive Web for ImREAL (FP7) at TU Delft

Postdoc position in semantic video project at CWI

Postdoc vacancies in OUCL Information Systems Group

Property instantiation/ predicate individuals (was Time for quintuples?)

Quality of the Semantic-Web-related Wikipedia articles

RDF data handover and dereferenceable URIs has expired?

recyclable for RDFa basic templates/authoring UI..?


SAMT 2010 - Call for Posters/Demos

Semantic Universe bought by WebMediaBrands

Semantic Web Challenge @ ISWC2010 (Submission deadline reminder)

Sesame 2 Windows Client 0.8 released

SIOC survey

Software Engineer Position at OEG-UPM

SPARQL Endpoint with Inference support


Submitting to Consuming Linked Data Workshop

The Journal on Computational Science!

The Questionnaire on RDF is open for one more week...

Time for quintuples?

UIC/ATC 2010 call for participation: early registration deadline 30 Sept. Sept 2010 (Xian,China)

UMarks - a universal bookmark system.

URSW'10: extension to Call for Papers

WordNet RDF

xsd:duration (history) Re: Any objections against using xsd:anySimpleType or rdfs:Literal as the rdfs:range for OWL datatype properties?

Last message date: Thursday, 30 September 2010 13:13:40 UTC