Re: BlankNode in subject

Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 25/09/10 16:13, Nathan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm looking to express the following N3 in Turtle:
>> [ :firstname "Ora" ] dc:wrote [ dc:title "Moby Dick" ] .
> That is already legal Turtle:
> [11] subject ::= resource | blank
> [21] blank   ::= nodeID | '[]'
>                  | '[' predicateObjectList ']'
>                  | collection

Cheers Andy,

That's what I get for changing use-case at the last minute without 
thinking it through!

reworded.. are the following equivalent:

   [ :firstname "Ora" ] dc:wrote [ dc:title "Moby Dick" ] .

   _:b1 owl:sameAs [ :firstname "Ora" ];
     dc:wrote [ dc:title "Moby Dick" ] .

as in, can either be used to produce the same pseudo triples / graph in 



Received on Saturday, 25 September 2010 17:41:00 UTC