Re: OWL DL, OWL Lite OWL Full comparison papers
Modelling Information Resources etc.
[OFF] Nuestros mejores deseos en el nuevo año.
Ordering, Sorting, Categorizing many words
"here" and "now" as constants
[Fwd: Call for Review: HTTP Vocabulary in RDF Working Draft]
Deadline Extension: Call for tutorials ESWC 2007
Unsafe Rules and existential variables
foaf's scope and extending it
a need for validating an owl across software
Preconditions in OWL-S Process in SWRL
Call for Papers and Demos: CKC Workshop - WWW2007
Fwd: OpenLink SIOC Enhancement Suggestions (3)
Re: System for semantic annotation and retrieving of audio
[doap-interest] [ANN] doap:store, a collaborative DOAP projects directory
- Re: [doap-interest] [ANN] doap:store, a collaborative DOAP projects directory
Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you", "this", "it", "here", "there", "now", etc.?
- Re: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you", "this", "it", "here", "there", "now", etc.?
- Re: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you", "this", "it", "here", "there", "now", etc.?
- Re: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you", "this", "it", "here", "there", "now", etc.?
- Re: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you", "this", "it", "here", "there", "now", etc.?
- Re: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you", "this", "it", "here", "there", "now", etc.?
- Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Re: Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
- Semantic Web Statement Contexts (was: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you",...)
European MSc in Computational Logic - scholarships available
Localization of RDF property names? Seeking advice.
Ontology and ws-policy
Call for tutorials: European Semantic Web Conference 2007 (ESWC 2007)
New submission date - PERSUASIVE 07 @ Stanford University
cfp: AAAI 2007 track on AI and the Web
Call for papers
Call for Papers :: IEEE IRI 2007
Numerical Ranges/Sets in RDF?
SWAP 2006 - Tutorials, accepted papers and a "special" Cf Participation
real world use cases for temporal reasoning on the Semantic Web
- Re: real world use cases for temporal reasoning on the Semantic Web
- Re: real world use cases for temporal reasoning on the Semantic Web
Re: Jazoon 07 - Java One
CFP: Journal of Applied Ontology - Special Issue on "Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modeling"
Call for Use Cases: Simple Knowledge Organization Systems (SKOS)
LAST CFP: European Semantic Web Conference - ESWC 2007
odd hadling of v:n in hcard2rdf.xsl (vCard/RDF)
- Re: odd hadling of v:n in hcard2rdf.xsl (vCard/RDF)
- Re: odd hadling of v:n in hcard2rdf.xsl (vCard/RDF)
Unsafe Rules and existential variables
Auto-generated owl:SameAs links between the RDF Book Mashup and the DBLP database
- Re: Auto-generated owl:SameAs links between the RDF Book Mashup and the DBLP database
- Re: Auto-generated owl:SameAs links between the RDF Book Mashup and the DBLP database
- RE: Auto-generated owl:SameAs links between the RDF Book Mashup and the DBLP database
Reinventing the wheel ( ...again ); this time with RDF In/Out Services
- Re: Reinventing the wheel ( ...again ); this time with RDF In/Out Services
- Re: Reinventing the wheel ( ...again ); this time with RDF In/Out Services
- Re: Reinventing the wheel ( ...again ); this time with RDF In/Out Services
CFP: 1st International Workshop on Semantic Web Architectures for Enterprises - SWAE07
CfC: Semantic Web Methodologies for E-Business Applications
[ANN] SemMF - a Semantic Matching Framework
Soliciting input for "Basic Principles for Managing an RDF vocabulary"
Soliciting input for "Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies"
Semantic technologies talk in Santa Fe, NM, Dec 7th
CfP: YR-SOC 2007 (New Dates)
Re: ANN: RDF Book Mashup - Integrating Web 2.0 data sources like Amazon and Google into the Semantic Web
- AW: ANN: RDF Book Mashup - Integrating Web 2.0 data sources like Amazon and Google into the Semantic Web
- Re: AW: ANN: RDF Book Mashup - Integrating Web 2.0 data sources like Amazon and Google into the Semantic Web
- Re: AW: ANN: RDF Book Mashup - Integrating Web 2.0 data sources like Amazon and Google into the Semantic Web
- Re: AW: ANN: RDF Book Mashup - Integrating Web 2.0 data sources like Amazon and Google into the Semantic Web
- Re: AW: ANN: RDF Book Mashup - Integrating Web 2.0 data sources like Amazon and Google into the Semantic Web