Re: Auto-generated owl:SameAs links between the RDF Book Mashup and the DBLP database

Hi Tom,

> On a final note, do you have any plans to do the same with non-Book Amazon 
> items?
> Things such as DVDs and CDs should have an EAN13 identifier, and I'd 
> certainly be
> interested in trying to mashup information on those with Revyu reviews.

Currently, we don't have any plans into this direction as we are 
concentrating on another also very promising hack (more later ;-).  There is 
lots of information about DVDs and CDs on Amazon and in Google Base. So 
technically it shouldn't be a problem to get these items onto the Semantic 
Web. Just take Tobias's PHP script change the 
Google and Amazon API calls a bit and decide on the vocabulary you want to 
use to describe DVDs and CDs. It would also be nice to integrate some more 
public data sources (

What's about the Open University server? It seams to run PHP :-)

Cheers and have fun in Oxford


> Cheers,

Received on Friday, 8 December 2006 18:44:25 UTC