[Agenda] WebCGM telecon: Thursday, 28 September 2006
[Agenda] WebCGM teleconf: Thursday, 21 September 2006
[Fwd: WebCGM 2.0 Is a Candidate Recommendation (Call for Implementations)]
[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2006-09-07
[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2006-09-14
[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2006-09-28
[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2006-09-31 [revised]
Appendix E styling action item.
Appendix E updated [was Re: Appendix E styling action item.]
Appendix E.2 and E.4
at-risk status summary
AW: [Agenda] WebCGM telecon: Thursday, 28 September 2006
AW: Thurs. (7 Sept.) WebCGM WG telecon agenda [revised]
- dieter (Wednesday, 6 September)
Call for Exclusion: WebCGM 2.0 remains in CR until 22 November 2006.
Call for Exclusions: WebCGM 2.0
CR transition approved
DRAFT Appendix E language contribution
everyone has responded to WBS, except...
F2F minutes published
Finding CGM viewers and plugins
Fwd: [Agenda] WebCGM telecon: Thursday, 28 September 2006
Fwd: new appendix revisited
Fwd: Revised moratorium dates [Was: Publication moratoria in second half of 2006]
Fwd: SVG vs. WebCGM
link activation material in CDR
link to presentation properties table?
Minutes: WebCGM WG, Sept 21st 2006
more reading options on concepts
new appendix revisited
new styling section? [was Re: Minutes: WebCGM WG, Sept 21st 2006]
progress on implementing the features at risk ?
proposal to integrate E.1
Questionnaire for enabling WebCGM WG to end exclusion opportunity early.
Response to WebCGM 2.0 comments sent by Kentarou
suggested links for styling paragraph.
SVG vs. WebCGM
talking points for tomorrow [was: Re: Response to WebCGM 2.0 comments sent by Kentarou]
Thurs. (14 Sept.) WebCGM telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Thurs. (14 Sept.) WebCGM telecon agenda [revised-2]
Thurs. (14 Sept.) WebCGM telecon agenda [revised]
Thurs. (7 Sept.) WebCGM WG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Thurs. (7 Sept.) WebCGM WG telecon agenda [revised]
typical aviation technical graphics
Update: CR-ttaf1-dfxp-20061001 - Final - Ready for Publishing
updated ... at-risk status summary
WebCGM 2.0 appendix progress
WebCGM 2.0 Is a Candidate Recommendation
WebCGM 2.0 preparation for publication
WebCGM Press Releases and Testimonial
Last message date: Thursday, 28 September 2006 17:03:32 UTC