Re: Appendix E styling action item.

First, about schedule:  can we agree that WG comments should be received 
and resolved by, e.g., mid-Wednesday?  Then we can send our current best 
cut to Al for WAI endorsement or suggestions.  Closure on final text of 
appendix E:  Thursday telecon.

Second, a suggestion for last sentence:
s/These mechanisms should be used to/Use of these mechanisms will/
(...since "should" is already used in previous sentence).


At 09:00 AM 9/26/2006 -0700, Galt, Stuart A wrote:
>Hello all,
>Here is a cut at the paragraph talking about style properties.
>E.4 Styling
>WebCGM 2.0 supports transient, display-time control of a number of display 
>properties of objects. These can be manipulated via the WebCGM DOM, and 
>are also available via the XCF mechanism. An adaptive WebCGM 2.0 viewer 
>should provide some user control of rendering, and in a sense, an 
>(external) XCF could function similarly to an external style sheet. These 
>mechanisms should be used to at least partially realize the 
>recommendations of 
><>Checkpoint 3.3 and 
>Any comments?
>Stuart Galt
>SGML Resource Group
>(206) 544-3656

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2006 17:15:56 UTC