Finding CGM viewers and plugins

At 01:19 PM 9/8/2006 -0600, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>    [NEW] ACTION: Lofton to provide starting place for plugins to WAI
>      _________________________________________________________

DONE, by this email message.

If you start at our preliminary Implementation Report [1], you will find 
your way to a page of viewer implementation information [2].  The four most 
serious of the WebCGM implementors are here:  Ematek, ITEDO, Larson 
Software Technology, and System Development Inc.

I think at least two of them (possibly more) offer a free download of a 
viewer and/or plugin from their web pages.  If you are not finding the sort 
of software or availability that you need, please get in touch with me and 
I'll try to help.



Received on Sunday, 10 September 2006 23:26:50 UTC