[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2006-09-07

WebCGM WG --

The minutes are at


This is a raw log from my mIRC client.  Unfortunately, we forgot to invite 
rrsagent, so "make minutes" didn't work so well.  I tried to use the 
scribe.perl script [2], but am not a perl user and didn't get anywhere with it.

[2] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/%7Echeckout%7E/2002/scribe/

Included below is the text of the raw mIRC log:

Session Start: Thu Sep 07 08:58:00 2006
Session Ident: #webcgm
*** Now talking in #webcgm
*** Topic is 'http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2006JulSep/0105.html'
*** Set by steve on Tue Sep 05 09:00:46
*** BB has joined #webcgm
*** dc has joined #webcgm
<lofton> benoit, do you feel like scribing today?
<BB> I would really prefer just to listen today
<dc> invite zakim #webcgm
*** Zakim has joined #webcgm
<lofton> zakim, this is webcgm
<Zakim> ok, lofton; that matches GA_WebCGM()11:00AM
<dc> Zakim, this is WebCGM
<Zakim> dc, this was already GA_WebCGM()11:00AM
<Zakim> ok, dc; that matches GA_WebCGM()11:00AM
<lofton> chair: lofton
<lofton> scribe: dave
*** thierry has joined #webcgm
<lofton> scribenick: dc
<BB> zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see Lofton_Henderson, Dave_Cruikshank, AlGilman, 
BenoitB, thierry
<Zakim> On IRC I see thierry, Zakim, dc, BB, lofton, Al, trackbot
agenda:  http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcgm-wg/2006Sep/0017.html
<lofton> regrets:  don, dieter
<dc> regrets: don, dieter, stuart
<Zakim> +Kentarou_Noji
*** kentarou has joined #webcgm
<thierry> Meeting: WebCGM Teleconf
<dc> Topic: roll call
<dc> zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see Lofton_Henderson, Dave_Cruikshank, AlGilman, 
BenoitB, thierry, Kentarou_Noji
<Zakim> On IRC I see kentarou, thierry, Zakim, dc, BB, lofton, Al, trackbot
<thierry> Topic: roll call
<dc> Topic: routine WG business
<dc> No new business
<dc> Topic: WAI appendix
<dc> Original comment - 
<dc> Proposed appendix - 
<dc> History - WAI comments arrived shortly after end of f2f.  Lofton then 
drafted appendix as a response
<dc> WAI group subsequently approved the proposed appendix and the WebCGM 
WG will work with them for a way forward during CR
<dc> CR is schedule to end Oct 6, so we have 3+ weeks to perform this work
<dc> s/schedule/scheduled
<dc> During this telecon we will go through the comments from Al and 
discuss them
<dc> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcgm-wg/2006Sep/0015
*** Chris has joined #webcgm
<dc> Lofton - the goal of the appendix should be to raise the awareness of 
requirements for accessibiility
<Chris> zakim, code?
<Zakim> the conference code is 932246 (tel:+1.617.761.6200), Chris
<Zakim> +??P31
<Chris> zakim, ??P31 is Chris
<Zakim> +Chris; got it
<dc> Action: Al to share link to visual workshop
* trackbot noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Al
<dc> Resolution:  Al Gilman will share link to visual workshop
<lofton> AG: crux of the problem is to find navigation mode to help explore 
scene graph of articulable objects (fair summary?)
<lofton> http://www.cgmopen.org/technical/webcgmchoice-slides.pdf
<Chris> so can someone take an action to give some real-world examples of 
WebCGM 2.0?
<dc> Action: Dave to provide example of typicall technical illustrations, 
CGM and some raster format
* trackbot noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Dave
<dc> s/Dave/dc
<Chris> trackbot, status?
* trackbot knows about the following 9 users: Everyone, Thierry, Chris, 
Dieter, Benoit, Lofton, David, Don, Stuart
<dc> Action: David to provide example of typicall technical illustrations, 
CGM and some raster format
* trackbot noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-20 - Provide example of typicall technical 
illustrations, CGM and some raster format [on David Cruikshank - due 
<Zakim> -AlGilman
<Al> Zakim, call AlGilman-home, please
<Zakim> ok, Al; the call is being made
<Zakim> +AlGilman
*** Chris has left #webcgm
*** Chris has joined #webcgm
<dc> Concept of natural navigation through something like a technical 
illustration dealing with disassembly instructions
<dc> moving from a locator to a detail  to a further detail, etc
<dc> Lofton - Al's message has two parts
<dc> Lofton - part 1 is a larger wide view section that is probably a long 
term view for WebCGM
<dc> Lofton - part 2 consists of 5 points that we should concentrate on
<dc> Al - We should only deal with points that have a 50% chance of success 
during CR
<lofton>  http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcgm-wg/2006Sep/0015
<dc> Lofton - Point 1 - it appears we have gathered together the main points
*** tmichel has joined #webcgm
<dc> Al - yes, 80% - this was a pleasant supprise
<dc> Lofton - Point 2 addresses navigation through a technical graphic - we 
may not have fully addressed this issue in the appendix
<dc> Lofton - we are willing to discuss how we need to modify the statement 
in the appendix to address this
<dc> Al - WebCGM needs to expose the structure and the structure used to 
navigate may be different from the CGM structure
*** thierry has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<dc> Al - something like a tree-structured TOC to aid navigation intent
<dc> Al - navigation may be user dependent
<dc> Lofton - can Al propose a descrete modification to the resolution 
statement here?
<dc> Al - instant answer, yes, but there may be more.
<dc> Al - we will be imited for what we can do in preparation for PR, but 
there may be somethings that will be intended for 2.1 or 3.
<dc> Lofton - providing alternative access modes, like keyboard access may 
be something that we can add to the appendix
<dc> Lofton - a navigatble TOC or even backwards order
*** tmichel has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<dc> Lofton - this could be a first step to amend the appendix
<dc> Lofton - this appendix will be a new introductory primer level to a 
lot of people in this community
<dc> Al - maybe up to 3 navigation modes (hierartical TOC, etc)
<dc> Ben - hearing that the authoring tools need to add more metadata to 
the file to aid navigation
* Chris steps out for a moment
<dc> Al, with Lofton's help, will provide a proposal for reworking the 
wording in the appendix
<lofton> ...specifically: alternative wording for the suggestion of 
sequential, document order keyboard navigation through a picture's objects.
* Chris is back
<dc> Lofton - Point 3 on alt-like features
<dc> kentarou - make alt native in format
<dc> Lofton - 2.1 or 3.0 extension
<dc> Al - maybe take same approach SVG does
<dc> Lofton - integration pan zoom controls may operation contrary to 
accessibility requirements
<dc> Lofton - but t his viewer behavior is specified in WebCGM
<dc> Lofton - can Al expand on this a little on how to address this 
potential problem
<dc> Al - this is a long term thing that should not affect the PR appendix, 
but we can continue to work on it.
<dc> Al - webcgm object that have behaviors should act like embedded object 
in t he compound document sense on how it interacts with other objects
<dc> Lofton - What we have said in the appendix is probably ok, for PR
<dc> Lofton - 1st point 5, last paragraph - extensibility
<dc> Al - t his is probably a 2.1or 3.0 work item,
<dc> Lofton - no need to do anything in appendix on this subject for PR text
<dc> Lofton - action item due dates - early in the day Wednesday, Sep 13
<dc> Action: Lofton to provide starting place for plugins to WAI
* trackbot noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-21 - Provide starting place for plugins to WAI 
[on Lofton Henderson - due 2006-09-14].
<dc> All action items will go through our WG group list with cc to Al
<dc> rrsagent, make logs member
<Zakim> -BenoitB
<Zakim> -thierry
<Zakim> -Chris
<Zakim> -AlGilman
<Zakim> -Kentarou_Noji
<dc> rrsagent, make minutes
<lofton> chris?
<lofton> Dave doesn't seem to be getting any response to "make minutes"
*** RRSAgent has joined #webcgm
<RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/09/07-webcgm-irc
<dc> rrsagent, make logs member
<RRSAgent> I have made the request, dc
<dc> rrsagent, make minutes
<RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate 
http://www.w3.org/2006/09/07-webcgm-minutes.html dc
*** kentarou has quit IRC (Quit: CHOCOA)
<lofton> http://www.w3.org/1998/12/bridge/Zakim.html

Received on Friday, 8 September 2006 17:16:59 UTC