WebCGM 2.0 appendix progress

Thanks the  latest revision.

** on the product

Based on discussion at our F2F, the PFWG has this response:


The WebCGM group has made tremendous strides toward advancing its
accessibility in version 2.0 with the addition of grouping and text
alternatives and we recommend that the specification be taken
forward. This release closes the gap between the current
accessibility features that are provided in SVG and Web CGM. Before
final sign off on the appendix, we would like clarification as to how
the user can change the colors of WebCGM documents to address issues
such as high contrast for low vision and changes for color blindness.
These are addressed in SVG through the use of styling.

Going forward we should work together to address user-defined
navigation schemes, possibly through the use of the XCF extension.
The ODF Accessibility Subcommittee has developed this for ODF 1.1
presentations. Finally, by closing the gap between WebCGM and SVG our
team can begin to address integration of semantics of presentations
which we plan in future rechartering of the Protocols and Formats
Working Group.


In addition there is one editorial issue. In the text of paragraph
E.3 there is a symbolic reference "[WCAG10]" to the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. This should be a hyperlink. Sorry, this
was my omission in the material I submitted.

** on the process

Will there be a telecon tomorrow? I believe Lofton is unavailable.

I think that the hyperlink is a simple matter that doesn't require
discussion. We might want to talk about the "how the user can change
the colors" question above. We talked during the earlier telecon
about getting the rationale or basis for the color coding covered in
the built-in metadata. It is one of the things required by UAAG,
"Guideline 4. Ensure user control of rendering."


It's not something that we took explicit note of yet in the appendix.
There may or may not be something short and sweet we should add, or
it may just be in the bucket of working with implementers to bring up
"delivery of web service" chains that afford this capability. The
mumble words are to allow for the possibility that either client side
adaptation or middleware reprocessing options could be the first to
the field with this capability.


Received on Wednesday, 20 September 2006 16:05:27 UTC