Re: Finding CGM viewers and plugins

At 01:25 PM 9/11/2006 +0200, Thierry MICHEL wrote:
>Chris Lilley wrote:
>>LH> If you start at our preliminary Implementation Report [1], you will find
>>LH> your way to a page of viewer implementation information [2].
>>It would be helpful if WebCGM *2* viewers were specifically noted.

Yes, that's a good point.

I'll note, however, that much of what will be interesting to WAI can be 
seen in 1.0 -- the structuring elements (APS) are in 1.0, as are most APS 
attributes (only 'visibility' and 'interactivity' attributes have been 
added by 2.0).  With the right WebCGM samples, WAI could understand typical 
structuring and navigation using 1.0.

WebCGM DOM is missing, of course, as is XCF (XML Companion File) support.

I mention this because, as far as I know, the release versions of the 
products found at [2] do not include the new 2.0 functionality.  That is 
usually found in the Beta and pre-release versions.  Different vendors have 
different policies about disseminating Beta versions.  All have agreed to 
make them within the WG and its staff, for CR verification.

I will pursue an item to clarify with the vendors whether they are okay to 
disseminate a little more widely, and will gather details if so.

>Right. If this is not possible on OASIS site, we could list these WebCGM 
>*2* viewers on the WebCGM  W3C page.

Depending on the vendor policy about pre-release software, we may have to 
circulate the information to list-of-individuals, rather than posting publicly.

I will pursue answers.


>>LH> [1]
>>LH> [2]
>Thierry Michel

Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 14:07:46 UTC