from June 2005 by subject

[ALL] Agenda 27 June telecon 1700 UTC

[ALL] agenda to be posted later today

[ALL] Agenda WG telecon 16 June 1700 UTC

[ALL] Announcement of W3C SKOS Core first public Working Drafts

[All] change in telecon date: now Mondays 1700 UTC

[ALL] Poll on Nov 2005 F2F dates

[ALL] Student projects SKOS & SemWeb

[FAQ] Submission procedure proposition

[HTML] Meeting record for review, rdf-in-xhtml tf 2005-06-27

[HTML] Meeting record for review, rdf-in-xhtml tf 2005-06-28

[Liaison] Latest ODM Specification

[OEP] A possible alternative term for fluent

[OEP] minutes of 5/26 telecon

[OEP] Other QCR approaches

[OEP] OWL restrictions

[OEP] status of drafts

[OEP] Telecon tomorrow (thurs)

[OEP] The n-ary relations draft is ready for outside review

[PORT] FW: SKOS XML syntax?

[protege-owl] Re: Why not standart RDF reification

[SE,ALL] ODA draft version for WG review

[SE] Essay on modelling costs

[SE] Minutes of SETF Telecon 07-06-05

[VM] Agenda for June 7 telecon

[VM] Looking at Javadoc, dreaming of RDFdoc

[VM] Report of 2005-06-21 telecon

[VM] Report on 2005-06-07 telecon

[VM] Telecon report, May 12

[VM] Vocabulary Management telecon - Jun 21, 1300 UTC

[WNET] Fwd: WordNet in RDF

[WORM0'5] 3rd International Workshop on Regulatory Ontologies

Agenda for June 7 telecon? RE: [VM] Telecon report, May 12

Agenda June 7 - Point 2 RE: [VM] Agenda for June 7 telecon

Apologies for Thursday's telecon

comment on Guus's note - Re: [OEP] OWL restrictions

Found OWLDoc ... RE: [VM] Looking at Javadoc, dreaming of RDFdoc

How to state simple facts in RDF

httpRange-14 Options

Interest in GRDDL from IPTC

meeting record: 2005-06-16 SWBPD telecon

TAG has resolved httpRange-14

Talk on SW Best Practices WG

Typo in Namespace for

Typo in XML Representation for Approach 3

VMTF telecon logistics [was: Re: [VM] Telecon report, May 12]

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2005 16:53:06 UTC