(3D and SVG) [SVG-IG] Re: HTML 5 Canvas spec
2 items for the upcoming agenda
2-D physics and web layout
[svg-developers] Negative values for animation of startOffset in text on a path
[svg-developers] Re: Safari problem with no nought
[svg-developers] shadow projections
[SVG-IG] Re: HTML 5 Canvas spec (3D and SVG)
- Dailey, David P. (Friday, 12 September)
- bhopgood@brookes.ac.uk (Friday, 12 September)
- Dailey, David P. (Thursday, 11 September)
- bhopgood@brookes.ac.uk (Thursday, 11 September)
- Leonard Rosenthol (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Dailey, David P. (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Jeff Schiller (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Donald Doherty (Wednesday, 10 September)
[SVG-IG] Re: links to some demos
[wbs] response to 'Finding a time for the SVG IG teleconference'
Agenda for Sept 25th call
Agenda for Thurs Call (Sept 11th)
Agenda for Thurs Call (Sept 11th) -- canonical examples
Agenda: SVG IG Telcon, Thursday, July 17
Announcement of Bi-Weekly Telcon
another something to think about -- the <replicate> tag -- SMIL for space instead of time
authoring tools [was RE: sockets ]
Feedback Request: Difference Between Scroll and Pan?
Fwd: Auto: dbbacked-lists@w3.org autoreply
HTML 5 Canvas spec
HTML 5 Canvas spec [3D and SVG]
links to some demos
Little wiki changes
making playing with attributes sooo easy, fun even ?
Minutes, SVG IG Teleconf Thursday 14 August 2008
minutes: SVG IG Call 2008-09-25 (draft)
Minutes: SVG IG Telcon, Thursday, July 17
More on timing tests for browsers (including Chrome and i-phone)
Next SVG IG Meeting
Posting To SVG IG List
Publication of SVG Book
Q&D Timing comparisons for two new SVG browsers -- Chrome and i-pod
Questions about svg:title and Dublin Core
Regrets - Re: Agenda for Sept 25th call
regrets - Re: Agenda for Thurs Call (Sept 11th)
Regrets for Sept 25th call
Reminder: Jul 31 TelCon + Agenda
Reminder: No conference call tomorrow (Thursday Aug 28th)
Reminder: SVG IG Telcon, Thursday, July 17 (Tomorrow)
Review of SVG Book
Revised Agenda for Thurs Sept 11th Call
Suggestions for additions to the W3C Specification for SVG
SVG 1.2 Tiny Republished
SVG IG at SVG Open
SVG IG Resources wiki reality check request
SVG IG telcon cancelled this week
SVG IG Telcon Poll
SVG Map Toolkit 0.7 released
Syntax Highlighter on the Community Site
Teleconf Agenda: 2008-08-14
thoughts on a community website as part of a SVG 'marketing' strategy
Torture tests and canonical examples
Various Topics
Various Topics (was: sockets)
wiki page for suggestions for new features
World Wide Web Foundation - Would they financially support the development of an SVG plugin for IE?
y-axis reversal (was: Re: Agenda for Sept 25th call)
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 September 2008 03:00:05 UTC