SVG Map Toolkit 0.7 released

Hi all,
I continue working on Web GIS application of SVG.

The project is called SVG Map and uses SVG as mechanism for 
inter-operation (mash-up) of the GISs by the hyperlink that is not 
existing WebGIS mechanism to use SVG (or web browser) for as only mere 
indication mechanism.

SVG Map has the specifications that some expansion was given to SVG 
which we call SVG Map Profile.

SVG Map Profile :

We have released SVG Map Toolkit as implementation of SVG Map Profile. 
SVG Map Toolkit is a viewer of ActiveX type for IE.
And latest SVG Map Toolkit 0.7.0 were released this time.

Download SVG Map Toolkit 0.7.0:

高木 悟(Satoru Takagi)
KDDI株式会社 コア技術統括本部 ネットワーク技術本部
技術戦略部 企画調査G


Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2008 01:36:29 UTC