Agenda for Sept 25th call

NOTE: The conf call is still at the same time as last call.  Please
let me know if you want to add other items to the agenda.

- every other Thursday (this week, Sept 11th)
- 11:00 to 12:00 AM EST (check the wiki for your local time)
- phone bridge number is +1.617.761.6200,  conference 78444 ("SVGIG")
- as usual, we will be meeting concurrently in a chat room, on channel
#svgig (irc://, port 6665);


1) Process
    - new members, introductions
    - can someone create a simple 'process' page in the wiki for new
members (getting started with to the wiki, the Tracker)?
    - is this still the best time/day for the conf call? - we are
still interpreting the poll results

2) Community
    a) Rob Russell to discuss latest updates on the community website
    b) website needs a public home for alpha/beta type testing so we
can start using the site
        Action 8:
        Action 9:
        - other options:
    c) Still need theme and/or designers for site
        Actions 5 and 6: Doug to contact Vodafone, KDE, Inkscapers for
design help

3) Testing
    - Ottawa Test Fest at end of month
    - SVG Torture Tests - still need someone interested in helping me
flesh out the test
    - Lots of new high-performance JS engines coming out (Chrome's V8,
Safari's SquirrelMonkey, Firefox' TraceMonkey).  Let's create some fun
SVG Demos to take advantage of this horsepower and get some wow.  Does
someone want to start a wiki page and we can brainstorm ideas?  Here's
a quickie: Compare the following in Fx3 and in Chrome:

4) Accessibility
    - have not found time to finish up Inkscape hacking (Jeff)
    - Action 7: Jeff to create matrix of current title/desc behaviors,
can target for end of week

5) Reviews
    a) SVGT 1.2 is now in Last Call
        - review period ends Oct 10
    b) David Dailey's SVG book
        - still need reviewers

6) Other Open Actions
    - Action 4: Andreas to contact O'Reilly regarding SVG Open 2009
    - another possibility is seeking Google sponsorship for SVG Open 2009

Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2008 21:06:38 UTC