from September 2006 by subject

[Bug 1542] [FS] editorial: 3.1.1 Static Context

[Bug 1547] [FS] editorial: 3.2.1 Processing model

[Bug 1549] [FS] editorial: 3.2.3 Static typing judgment

[Bug 1562] [FS] editorial: 4 Expressions

[Bug 1564] [FS] editorial: 4.1 Primary Expressions

[Bug 1588] [FS] editorial: 4.2.1 Steps

[Bug 1591] [FS] editorial: 4.2.4 Abbreviated Syntax

[Bug 1595] [FS] editorial: 4.4 Arithmetic Expressions

[Bug 1597] [FS] editorial: 4.5.1 Value Comparisons

[Bug 1598] [FS] editorial: 4.5.2 General Comparisons

[Bug 1599] [FS] editorial: 4.5.3 Node Comparisons

[Bug 1627] [FS] editorial: 4.7.1 Direct Element Constructors

[Bug 1640] [FS] editorial: Attributes

[Bug 1646] [FS] editorial: Namespace Declaration Attributes

[Bug 1663] [FS] editorial: Computed Processing Instruction Constructors

[Bug 1680] [FS] editorial: 4.12.5 Constructor Functions

[Bug 1715] [FS] editorial: 5.11 Module Import

[Bug 1756] [FS] editorial: 7.2.3 The fn:abs, fn:ceiling, fn:floor, fn:round, and fn:round-half-to-even functions

[Bug 1763] [FS] editorial: 7.2.10 The fn:min, fn:max, fn:avg, and fn:sum functions

[Bug 1776] [FS] editorial: Dynamic semantics of axes

[Bug 2441] xqx: character references

[Bug 3173] [F+O, DM] A difficulty with document-uri()

[Bug 3179] [FS] editorial: 3.1.1 Static Context

[Bug 3269] [FS] editorial: FooNameOrWildcard

[Bug 3312] XPST0080, XPST0003 and XPST0051 overlaps

[Bug 3416] [XQuery] Base URI of a constructed element

[Bug 3433] Comparing xs:anyURI values

[Bug 3439] MildNot using wrong position info and not extended to properly handle phrases

[Bug 3441] [Serialization]: in which phase do indentation and meta-tags happen?

[Bug 3447] xmlns="QNameXSD"

[Bug 3472] [F&O] namespace URI for functions

[Bug 3485] [XQuery] relative URILiteral

[Bug 3486] [XQuery] relative base URI

[Bug 3527] Attributes: xml:id processing misleading

[Bug 3534] Missing schema imports in LocalNameFromQNameFuncXXX and NamespaceURIFromQNameFuncXXX

[Bug 3555] [Update] delete when the node has no parent

[Bug 3576] static-context-1 should raise XPTY0004

[Bug 3598] xqx: missing XQueryX files

[Bug 3609] [XPath] Error XPST0017

[Bug 3635] prolog-version-2

[Bug 3636] Constr-ws-xmlspace-2

[Bug 3637] [XQuery] Adjacent text nodes

[Bug 3641] xs:untypedAtomic promotable to *any* type?

[Bug 3644] [F+O] Casting xs:QName and xs:NOTATION to xs:string

[Bug 3646] Test results should be err:XQST0054

[Bug 3647] FT (Editorial) Page elements too wide for display and printing

[Bug 3650] Editorial: error code on element(*, test:unknownType) is ambiguous -- XPST0001/XPTY0004?

[Bug 3650] Error code on element(*, test:unknownType) is ambiguous -- XPST0001/XPTY0004?

[Bug 3651] Argument types of fn:dateTime

[Bug 3652] Problems with binary operators table in C.2

[Bug 3653] Exception conditions for fn.string

[Bug 3654] Confusion over error condition

[Bug 3654] Editorial: Confusion over error condition

[Bug 3655] specification of item-sequence-to-* functions unclear

[Bug 3657] Short name for XQ-UF

[Bug 3660] Unclear what to do on external variable with no value

[Bug 3661] Custom inference rules and XPST0005

[Bug 3664] Definition of type promotion complex and inconsistent

[Bug 3665] Type checking fn:data(())

[Bug 3666] Wrong number of decimal places in numeric divide tests

[Bug 3667] Missing xs:anyUri from fn:boolean typing rule.

[Bug 3668] Codepoint collation URI doesn't match spec

[Bug 3669] Type checking of () GeneralOp [value]

[Bug 3670] Missing op:anyURI-equal(A, B)

[Bug 3674] Static typing of 1 to 1 eq 1 (K-RangeExpr-1)

[Bug 3675] fn:error(..) as an argument to another function/operator

[Bug 3676] fn:subsequence typeing rules

[Bug 3676] fn:subsequence typing rules

[Bug 3686] fn-matches2args-1 fails static typechecking.

[Bug 3687] Static typing of fn:lang

[Bug 3688] Static typing of fn:index-of

[Bug 3689] [XSLT] step 12 of constructing complex content

[Bug 3690] The set of all possible modes is not clearly defined

[Bug 3695] Static typing of value comparisons

[Bug 3696] K-GenCompEq-23

[Bug 3697] /

[Bug 3697] K-FilterExpr-66

[Bug 3698] [FT] Interaction between FTDiacriticsOption and collation unclear

[Bug 3699] nodecomparisonerr-1

[Bug 3700] K-SeqExprTreat-11 and K-SeqExprTreat-12

[Bug 3701] fn-union-node-args-003

[Bug 3702] K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-2 does not need to throw FOCH0002

[Bug 3704] [XQuery] xml:space attributes

[Bug 3715] Lack of coverage for static typing feature

[Bug 3716] Editorial: clarify that none is subtype of all types

[Bug 3716] Only fn:error() as operand

[Bug 3717] Cardinality inference for 'cast as' should take operand into account

[Bug 3718] fn:index-of

[Bug 3726] Errors from fn:collection

[Bug 3727] insufficient testing of deep-equal

[Bug 3728] unparsed-text: use of BOM or other heuristics

[Bug 3729] [XSLT] xml:space with invalid value

[Bug 3731] version declaration after comment

[Bug 3733] [XPath] reorder rules in Node Comparisons

[Bug 3737] [FT] EBNF snippets confusing

[Bug 3738] [FT] Organization -- FTMatchOptions

[Bug 3739] [FT] Description of tokenization (Editorial/Technical)

[Bug 3740] [FT] Silence on xml:lang

[Bug 3741] [FT] Supported languages

[Bug 3742] [FT] language=none not useful

[Bug 3743] [FT] Default weight

[Bug 3744] [FT] FTOptionalDecl tweak

[Bug 3745] [FT] weights type

[Bug 3746] [FT] Description of FTStemOption

[Bug 3747] [FT] FTMatchOptions

[Bug 3748] [FT] FTThesaurusOption levels

[Bug 3749] [FT] fts:reconstruct function buglet

[Bug 3750] [FT] fts namespace

[Bug 3751] [FT] FTOrder

[Bug 3756] namespaces not in canonical order in expected output

[Bug 3756] Pre-canonicalize the testsuite

[Bug 3757] [FS] technical: 2.3.1 ElementValue

[Bug 3758] [FS] technical: 4.7.1: losing type information

[Bug 3759] [F+O] round-half-to-even and float precision

[Bug 3760] [FS] technical: injected calls to fs:item-sequence-to-node-sequence/-untypedAtomic

[Bug 3762] schema-element()/schema-attribute() not tested

[Bug 3765] "|" token not listed as delimiting or non-delimiting

[Bug 3767] document-node(...) not tested

[Bug 3768] lessthanonanyuri-1 and greaterthanonanyuri-1 seem to be wrong

[Bug 3769] fn-dateTime-28, fn-dateTime-29, fn-dateTime-30 assume empty sequence is ok

[Bug 3770] [F+O] available-documents returning empty sequence

[Bug 3771] [FS] technical: interleaved with empty text nodes

[Bug 3772] [XSLT 2.0] function-available cannot be used to detect extension functions

[Bug 3773] CastableAs648

[Bug 3774] K-VersionProlog-1 does not contain expected-error entry

[Bug 3776] fn:codepoints-to-string should allow XML 1.1 characters

[Bug 3777] declare variable $input-context1 external;

[Bug 3778] description for xmlns/xml is contradictory

[UPDATE] Propose consistent semantics for target expressions

[XSLT 2.0] Extension functions, use-when and function-available()

PLAN-X 2007: Call for Papers and Demos (Deadline Extended)

Last message date: Saturday, 30 September 2006 06:57:23 UTC