Mapping between prov and provenance in OA
RDF version of oa and oax
Looking for complacent RDF/XML <--> N3 converters
OA Open Issues and Focus Groups
text language. Was Re: Textual Note example
Associating context with an annotation
- Re: Associating context with an annotation
- Re: Associating context with an annotation
- Re: Associating context with an annotation
Textual Note example
Conference Call Poll [via Open Annotation Community Group]
named entity annotation / certainty / provenance
- Re: named entity annotation / certainty / provenance
- Re: named entity annotation / certainty / provenance
Conference Call 2
ANN: Draft text fragment ontology for NIF 2.0
resolution vs dereference WAS Re: Serialization spec in the OA core
Mandating SPARQL endpoint. NOT. Was: Re: Serialization spec in the OA core
Serialization spec in the OA core
Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
- Re: Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
- Re: Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
- Re: Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
- Re: Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies
- Re: Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies