Re: Streamlining the OA Model

Dear Robert,

Am 01.08.2012 21:16, schrieb Robert Sanderson:
> To be clear, you know that this breaks the IETF restrictions on URI
> fragments, right?
> You can't just invent new fragment schemes for existing mime-types,
> they MUST be specified in the mime type registration document.
This is only for the retrieval actions. Specifying senses for URIs in 
RDF and OWL is *allowed* and even *promoted*.
Technical question: How come the MediaFragments are defined separately 
from the mime type?
> This is only one reason we didn't go this way, but it's certainly a big one!
> Others include that URIs should be opaque
This is a design decision. There are two camps fighting over this for 
years. Latest discussion was at Wikidata list, IIRC.
> , the opportunity (if not likelihood) for collision,
Well, in theory you might as well never use turing-complete languages. 
How can you make sure your programs will stop in finite time?
> the query-ability
Another design decision. Personally, I would always favor less triples, 
which can be expanded on demand to achieve query-ability. If you start 
calculating number of triples produced by the current Open Annotation 
Spec for part of speech tags, you will soon reach a very practical limit 
on how much text you can handle.

I am not saying that Open Annotation did anything wrong. I am just 
saying that it is not suitable for every use case, as is every 

NIF and Open Annotation complement each other nicely.
> and so forth, as per the
> media fragments discussion.
> Rob
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Sebastian Hellmann
> <> wrote:
>> Hello Paolo,
>> let's separate the issues.
>> Issue a) things you can represent with fragment selectors (expressivity)
>> Issue b) syntax
>> a) I am well aware of your use case. Do you have a benchmark that I could
>> use for experiments? If you look at
>> page 6, then
>> you can see that NIF hash URIs are designed for robustness and to withstand
>> changes made to Wikipedia. I am collecting a larger corpus currently, also
>> including HTML. Do you have data sets or pages, which I could use?
>> b) has nothing to do with a) . Truth is, however, that current fragment Ids
>> are not designed to suit many use cases, but this is a shortcoming of issue
>> a) expressivity and not the fault of the syntax. Let's say you could encode
>> all information of OA selectors into fragment-id syntax. What is the harm
>> done?
>> I would really like to have a look into this. Is there a list with available
>> selectors?  I found:
>> But it only lists 4 classes of selectors and all are not very powerful.
>> Sebastian
>> Am 01.08.2012 17:12, schrieb Paolo Ciccarese:
>>> Dear Sebastian,
>>> I produce annotation on webpages that I cannot control and I work with the
>>> DOM. I mainly annotate scientific content with
>>> One example of why the counting and XPointer might not work is the fact
>>> that pages includes  sections like advertisements and news which change
>>> often.  There are even more simple examples, like having the document
>>> displaying somewhere today's date. These modifications can fail selection
>>> and counting and that is why, three years ago I started using different
>>> mechanisms that are less affected - not immune unfortunately - to the
>>> common changes in pages. About at the same time, the need emerged in the
>>> OAC community as well.
>>> In general, Selectors also makes sense considering the need for annotating
>>> media types other than HTML. For instance, Media Fragments fall short in
>>> many of the already implemented use cases of video annotation tools.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Paolo
>>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Sebastian Hellmann <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Paolo,
>>>> Why wouldn't this work well?  It is based on RFC5147. Offset works for
>>>> any
>>>> string and therefore also HTML source. Problems arise, when you interpret
>>>> strings. They do not work well for DOM, of course, but this is where one
>>>> would rather use xPointer (W3C) . I guess, it also wouldn't work well to
>>>> use an OA text selector on an image, right?
>>>> With fragments, you definitely gain:
>>>> - compatibility with the web (which also means free implementations)
>>>> - less triples
>>>> - less generated UUID's (if any at all)
>>>> What do you gain, when using selectors?  I am not interested in
>>>> theoretical/modelling issues. For me only things count that help you
>>>> succeed in a use case.
>>>> Building a parser for URIs is something very easy to implement, much
>>>> easier in fact than understanding and working with selectors.
>>>> Sebastian
>>>> Am 31.07.2012 19:51, schrieb Paolo Ciccarese:
>>>>    Is the mechanism
>>>>> working in general?
>>>>> In my experience it does not with HTML pages in general. That would mean
>>>>> having lots of ways of composing the URIs that then need would need to
>>>>> be
>>>>> parsed. That is why we designed more complex selection mechanisms (
>>>>> and therefore more
>>>>> triples.
>>>>> Paolo
>>>> --
>>>> Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>>>> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
>>>> Events:
>>>>     ***mlode
>>>> <>(Leipzig, Sept. 23-24-25, 2012)
>>>>     * (*Deadline: July 31st 2012*)
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>>>> Research Group:
>> --
>> Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
>> Events:
>>    * (Leipzig, Sept. 23-24-25, 2012)
>>    * (*Deadline: July 31st 2012*)
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Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
   * (Leipzig, Sept. 23-24-25, 2012)
   * (*Deadline: July 31st 2012*)
Projects: ,
Research Group:

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2012 19:58:50 UTC