Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies


I am currently trying to adopt OA to an application scenario, which I 
actually didn't found described here.

The plan is to annotate XML documents in a way that the annotation 
relates one or more XML element values(let's call them subannotations), 
which can be given a domain specific annotation type.

As the target selection of subannotations(XML Elements) can be realised 
by the usage of multiple specific targets in combination with fragment 
selectors, there is no obvious and standard conform way of assigning 
individual annotated values(bodies) to the selected targets.

Currently, I implemented a workaround by applicating the 
oax:hasSemanticTag predicate to each subannotation "pointing" at an 
embracing "meta" annotation.
Even though that workaround appears to be doing its job, I am wondering
1) if that is the intended way of using hasSemanticTag ?
2) if there is no other standard conform method reflecting that scenario 
which can actually reflect those requirements ?

With regard to a potential approach to be integrated within the 
standard, simply allowing multiple targets and multiple bodies does not 
appear to solve that question adequately, as the relationship between 
the specific target and the body (subannotation) would not be reflected. 
As the crucial point is the relationship between target and body, a 
target predicate like "hasBody" would be a better approach, at least 
from my perspective. One may even think about moving the "hasBody" 
predicate from oa:annotation to oa:target, as I see no relevant 
application of having annotations just consisting of a body without any 
target ?

Anyway, doing so should not hinder any otherwise possible logical 
construction of annotations, or does it ? Also, it does not preclude 
annotations having targets pointing at the same body, nor does it 
preclude targets having multiple bodies if the discussion shows that 
this is somewhat useful.

I have to mention, that this is my first project using RDF or OA, so may 
be I am in some topic completely misleaded. But I would appreciate if my 
point could be somehow discussed and reflected in an upcoming release of 
the standard.

best regards
Lutz Suhrbier

Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2012 22:18:33 UTC